Increase / decrease brightness per click on IKEA Tradfri Dimmer?

Using the 5 button Tradfri, I have been able to do the dual install approach where you add the button and bulb to to smart things and you then also pair the remote direct to the bulb using the light link method.

The benefit is the remote and bulb show up in Smartthings and are controllable there (the remote button presses will show up in Smartthing but by default the button presses don’t do anything to the bulb via Smartthings, rather the remote will fully support the step dimming brightness as well because it is paired directly to the bulb. And you can do this with multiple bulbs and multiple remotes.

The downside is in that mode, the remote eat the batteries in less than 24 hours. So I ended up taking some spare 5v ac adapters and just hardwire soldered the leads to the battery terminals.

Works fantastic.

One note if warning, if you want multiple individual remote and bulb groups that are controlled independently, then you have to use community drivers that add zigbee group functions to both the bulbs and the remote.

For the bulbs I’m using the Mariano Zigbee light multifunction MC driver and for the 5 button remote I’m using the Lrmulli Zigbee button groups driver.

You can’t just write that without posting a picture.

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Here is the modification I did to my 5 button remotes.

Effectively I just happened to have a few old electronics that used small pig tail 5.5mm barrel power connectors on them. (These were old DVR surveillance adapters that converted BNC cables and power to run over cat 5 and were the perfect sacrifice to recycle a piece of them).

I started by cracking open the BNC+power to Cat5 adapter and desoldered the pigtail power cable.

Then carefully drilled a hole through the side of the 5 button remote into the battery bay. After feeding the pigtail wire through, I then simply soldered positive to positive and negative the negative. Then I just use any off the shelf 5.5mm center positive 5v 100-500milliamp AC adapter power supply to fed it.