Important Changes to SmartThings Classic Login System

So far I haven’t had to manually add anything back in. About a week ago, I created another user with a second email address that I use and invited myself to the location. So, I’ve been tracking everything through that user as well. After I got locked out I went in with my other user and took screen shots of my list of devices, smartapp, routines, scenes, etc,…so I would at least have a list of the devices that I would have to fix. I’ve been going through them and so far, everything is still working perfectly.

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If you login to the IDE is your GitHub integration still enabled? Or does it say Enable GitHub?

Outside of the Phantom Home Location this was the other real big item.

Also if you have an Echo, see if Alexa responds correctly to one of your SmartThings devices. Something discovered from ST, not in Alexa from another app.

No…all the repositories are gone. All the DTH and SmartApps are still there, they just aren’t linked to a github rebo.

Was there a fix for this other than re-adding them all manually?

I have google home but I’m not home right now so I don’t know if it is working.

Ya I had a feeling:

Please open the link above. It lists the top 5 items cleanly on what you need to check after migration.

For this one, you are going to need to create all your repositories again and then link every SmartApp and DH back to them.

I have about 5 posts to ST staff in the last 2 days about all of this including the Home location that you experienced.

I am also going to list a list of ALL issues I posted in the Account Migration Beta Thread earlier this year.

That is bullsh*t. I don’t remember what all the repo names are. If they had said, i would have made a printout before migrating in the first place.

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:-1: was hoping they’d fix the GitHub problem before public migration

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Here is the summary of ALL bugs from Round 1 of the Account Migration Beta that occurred in October of 2017. Open the post to see the numerical order of everything. You can ignore #1 ( I beleieve this was a mobile app update issue, not an issue caused by migration):

SmartThings staff can ignore me all they want. I’m done trying to help out with this. I can only imagine what this is going to spin into.

A stupid checklist with a set of instructions is all you need and it shouldn’t come from me the customer.


`Wait…I’m still not able to update from GitHub. My connection wasn’t broken, just my repositories removed and the devices unassociated. So, I re-added a repository I know has an update. It shows up as blue for some reason…and when I go to update from repo, it shows no files with changes to update. WTF?

disconnect your github account and reconnect it :slight_smile: and make sure you relink the repositories to the smartapps and DTHs

And make sure the GitHub column shows the repository name for SmartApps and DHs. If it still lists those in the column then just creating the repo again should link.

Perform step jkp gave.

On the Blue one, do you have a Magnifying Glass showing?

No, the github column was blank. The only saving grace is that you only have to set one of the DTH or SmartApp in the same repo. Then when i updated it reassociated all the other ones. That will save a lot of time with things like the ST_Anything library.

Cool, there ya go.

Spoke too soon. Working fine for SmartApps. DTH still don’t show up in Update from Repo… Nothing shows up in Update from repo, even if I add a complete new repo. So something is broken with Github integration again. I give up.

This going to be such a cluster …

If someone from the SmartThings staff would compile the posts I sent to them in the last couple days with all of the items and make a simple post migration task list and attach it to the official FAQs and procedures this whole friggen thing would be so less painful for people. The works already been done for you. How many minutes would it take someone to put all this into an official document for procedures to follow?

It’s absolutely ridiculous that a plan for these outstanding issues since October weren’t thought out and documented prior to them announcing they were going to migrate people. Seriously ridiculous guys. I saw posts in the last couple days that ST was going to take a more proactive role in all of this. Not one of you replied to me about all these outstanding issues related to the Account Migration or thoughts about putting the so called checklist in place. Maybe you would listen a little more to the likes of @JDRoberts or @tgauchat if it came from either one of them initially.

Anyway, you have the entire list I provided from October up above for the umpteenth time and also the short list with the 5 that directly affect things in the app or IDE for every single person who will be migrating.

I am going to watch from the sidelines :slight_smile:


You and me both!

It’s time they take accountability instead of relying on this entire community to take all the corrective actions and guide or assist every single customer when it comes to ST initiated/created issues. I have been an advocate and truly thought we turned a corner especially with a couple of posts from ST staff in the last couple of days. Actions speak louder than words I’m reminded of though. Same talk, different subject and coming from different people. This is a turning point for me. Ringside tickets to watch it all unfold. :slight_smile:


We’ve all heard of SmartThings’s lack of meaning action and progress in response to JD’s particular critical accessibility requirements.

As for me; I express my support for any recommendations that benefit the most SmartThings customers, while hopefully giving special weight to the needs and ideas of prominent Community Members and Developers.

“Bad ideas” are rather rare in this Community; despite the fact that only mine are outstanding. :smirk:


I didn’t necessarily mean take your ideas and apply them, but least hearing and acknowledging you. Maybe because you have both been here for a lifetime :slight_smile: Anyway, I gave my input and only hope they do something with it, and not for my sake. Putting the customers through this exercise without it, it’s not only ridiculous, but absolutely stupid, and 2 hours tops to get it written up and published as part of the official script, to cut down on the need for support and irate customers.


I ran this list past the team who worked on migration and all of these issues were addressed prior to this week.

I also personally tested the Github integration just now and it worked as expected. I did not need to re-enable the integration and everything transferred over to the Samsung account as expected.

If anyone is experiencing issues such as from the list above, please contact support so we can investigate.


So the batch that Ryan was included in where he migrated this week, is he considered a one off issue?

How many people were included in the batch that Ryan was in this week?

As for the Phantom Home Location being added for everyone that migrates, was that resolved as well as the Github that you tested? Or is the expectation that every customer is just supposed to call Support?

The fact that nobody else has posted their success or failure tells me that either this batch of people was very small or people aren’t willing to initiate the migration via the banner because they are worried about something going wrong.