I see the IKEA dirigera smart hub must be on general release now, it’s available in Belfast store.
I’m hoping this means a wider range of smart devices will be available from IKEA which hopefully will be SmartThings compatible.
I use quite a few of the 1056 lumen white spectrum bulbs which I’m pretty happy with, never really content with the brightness of 800 lumen bulbs.
It’s supposed to be Matter compatible after a future promised update, but it isn’t yet. It will require a future firmware update, and no specific date has been given for that yet.
At IKEA, we will work towards Matter certification step-by-step, and the first update is expected in the next couple of months. We are just getting started,”
You can buy it now if you like, but you won’t be able to use it with smartthings at present.
For now, Dirigera, like the Trådfri Gateway before it, supports integrations with Amazon, Google, and Apple smart home ecosystems.
So the promise is there, but as we all know, “hardware is hard“ and there have been many well intentioned companies that ended up never delivering the integrations they promised.
I have no plans to buy the dirigera hub itself. I was more interested in any new IKEA products that arrive as a result of it, and If they in turn work with SmartThings.
I’d rather not have the hassle of two hubs.
If the new products use Zigbee, they will probably only have matter compatibility through their own hub. This is exactly how the original IKEA tradfri system worked for HomeKit. An IKEA sensor connected to a Tradfri gateway will show up in the Homekit system. An IKEA sensor connected to a smartthings hub will not.
If the new products use thread, they may have matter compatibility without the gateway, we just don’t know yet.
We have one of the Ikea 1000 lumen bulbs connected to SmartThings and it’s working well.
I believe i did need to work with one of the community developers to get the device fingerprint.
It now does work with the stock Edge driver as well.
I did pick up a Dirigera to tinker with, and also use for firmware updates.
I’ve attached it to Home Assistant as a HomeKit Controller.
Just set up the new dirigera hub and hooked an ikea 2 button on/of/dimmer to it.
Am hoping it will do a firmware update!? Which MIGHT fix my 5 day battery life on ST.
Interesting that Ikea App does not:
Show any details of the button, eg firmware, serial #, etc
There is no firmware settings at all in the App.
The button device page shows No recognition of button presses at all.
ALL you can do is change name, room, delete it and possibly add another device to it, although I can not verify that does anything at this stage
Tap the Edit icon in the upper right corner, and select “About product” on the next screen.
The firmware version is displayed there.
It will update the firmware on the buttons if one is available, it’s just slow.
Mains powered devices (outlets, bulbs) update quickly.
I’ve recieved an official reply from Ikea and they don’t currently see it as fit for purpose. And although they are currently working alongside their partners they have no plans to implement matter support as it is.
As it’s now available to switch the ikea hub to a matter bridge(beta) are there any updates on how to do it and how well it works?
You do it the same way you do any Matter bridge.
Open the ikea app. Follow the instructions there to use the Dirigera hub as a “Matter bridge.” This will generate a QR code.
Open the SmartThings app. Go to add a device, then choose Matter (not IKEA), then follow the instructions there to use the QR code you got from IKEA.
If this is the first time you have added a matter device to your account, see the FAQ on what you need:
FAQ: What do I need to add a Matter device to the SmartThings app? Do I need a bridge router device?
And that’s it. The dirigera hub should be added as a matter bridge and it will bring over some of its attached devices. You will then be able to use those devices like any other device on your SmartThings account.
Note that the IKEA matter bridge feature is currently still in beta and likely to be for quite a while. It is not available yet to all IKEA customers, so if it doesn’t show up in the IKEA app, you have to wait until it does.
And at the time of this posting it only supports lighting. No sensors, buttons, air purifiers, speakers, or anything else yet. Just the actual smart bulbs and items with built-in bulbs.
Because of that, there’s not much reason to use this method with SmartThings yet. Those same devices can already be added directly as individual Zigbee devices to a smartthings/aeotec hub. And that method already runs local. But you will get one benefit: because matter will allow you to use it with both the IKEA app, and the SmartThings app at the same time, you will be able to use the IKEA app to perform firmware updates when needed. So that’s something.
As for how well it works, I’ve only seen a couple of reports on other forums of people who have tried connecting the dirigera hub to SmartThings via Matter. Most people said it went fine, a few were unable to make the connection, but they didn’t appear to understand the Wi-Fi issues required for initial set up, including IPv6 support, so they would’ve had the same problem with any matter over Wi-Fi device. (Again, see the community FAQ linked to above.) But those who already had matter working said it added fine.
So not much news yet. Note that if you already have IKEA Smart bulbs, you would have to remove them from SmartThings and connect them to the Dirigera hub before starting this whole process, so you would have to re-create any routines have been using those.
The matter bridge approach doesn’t give you a Zigbee connection to both a dirigera hub and a SmartThings hub. Instead, you first set up the smart bulb with a Zigbee connection to the matter bridge (in this case, the Dirigera hub) and then you set up a matter connection between the matter bridge and your SmartThings hub.
FYI it is only available for bulbs currently and is available in the Ikea smart home app under the workshop options