Ikea 5 button remote killing batteries

You can add me to the list of people who have given up on the IKEA buttons. As they are they are “broken” in their current firmware state. I have ordered a few Aqara buttons and an Aqara cube to replace all of my Ikea buttons.

Next time Blind #7 dies (in 3 weeks) I will completely reset the blind and see if it fixes its battery issue, the other 6 blinds are working normally with no other Zigbee devices in my house.

One last thought… on the FAQ page [2021] Battery Power Switches and Buttons - #11 by JDRoberts

The FAQ is still posting these buttons as “compatible” with smart things. While that is technically true, we should make it clear to potential customers that they only really work with the IKEA hub and even then they can not be used to run scripts or drive other automations. If you dig into the “detailed” FAQ pages on the IKEA battery buttons you will find the bad news about the batteries… But it probably worth while updating the main FAQ page to warn potential customers.