IFTTT and Smartthings Humidity/Water Sensors

Is anyone using IFTTT with Smartthings with Humidity or Water Sensors? If so, are the IFTTT triggers utilized in real time(aka quick triggers) OR are they subjected to the 15 minute polling that IFTTT enforces?

Initially yes… But IFTTT support will increase the speed of the trigger to real time if you request them to. (At least they did once for me)

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That’s interesting, I did not know that you can request it. I want to buy a humidity or water sensor and then pause my Rachio irrigation system since the water pressure is not sufficient when I take a shower. Obviously, if I have to wait 15 minutes, it would be useless, but I will request this when my sensor arrives.

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I have 7 water sensors and use IFTTT to call me if one detects moisture and I have tested each one. As soon as I apply water my ST alerts trigger as IFTTT is calling me so in my experience IFTTT is very quick to trigger an alert. That’s not to say it would always be that way but so far each test I’ve done has been very quick.

So, I got my humidity/temp sensor and the IFTTT and Rachio integration works perfect. The only challenge I have is, the ST Temp/Humidity sensor only reports it’s Humidity status every 10 minutes which defeats the purpose as I could be halfway through the shower before IFTTT pauses my Rachio. Anyone have an idea on how to get ST Temp/Humidity sensor to report Humidity every minute (Yes, I know there is a battery drain with this).