Hue bulb without Hue Bridge?

I have mine directly connected. Follow these steps, also this won’t work if the hue white’s were already paired to a hue bridge before, in which case you need to reset them (you need a switch/remote by Lutron. Not sure exactly which one by @JDRoberts can help ).

Part 1

  1. go to
  2. Login, then click on My Locations, then your hub name, now Login again. (THIS IS REQUIRED)
  3. Go to My Device Handlers
  4. Click on Create New Device Handler, then select from code
  5. Copy and paste the following Device Handler: Philips Hue Lux Device?
  6. Click Create
  7. Click Publish and publish it

Part 2

  1. With the switch turned off (and make sure it is not a dimmer, if it’s a dimmer you will fry the bulb) screw in the light bulb to a lamp or something similar closeby the hub.
  2. In your SmartThings App, go to Things and select Add a New thing and let it start searching.
  3. Turn on the lamp so the light bulb turns on.
  4. In a few mins the device should show up in the app, configure it and you are done.