I have mine directly connected. Follow these steps, also this won’t work if the hue white’s were already paired to a hue bridge before, in which case you need to reset them (you need a switch/remote by Lutron. Not sure exactly which one by @JDRoberts can help ).
Part 1
- go to https://graph.api.smartthings.com/
- Login, then click on My Locations, then your hub name, now Login again. (THIS IS REQUIRED)
- Go to My Device Handlers
- Click on Create New Device Handler, then select from code
- Copy and paste the following Device Handler: Philips Hue Lux Device?
- Click Create
- Click Publish and publish it
Part 2
- With the switch turned off (and make sure it is not a dimmer, if it’s a dimmer you will fry the bulb) screw in the light bulb to a lamp or something similar closeby the hub.
- In your SmartThings App, go to Things and select Add a New thing and let it start searching.
- Turn on the lamp so the light bulb turns on.
- In a few mins the device should show up in the app, configure it and you are done.