This forum was set up a number of years ago for customers to help other customers with Home Automation questions about the SmartThings platform. It is not an official support channel, and Samsung employees do not officially read the posts here. From time to time some employees stop in, but you can’t depend on that.
So to get assistance you have to go through the official channels, and I understand that that hasn’t been working for you. (I’m just another customer, too, so there’s isn’t anything I can do about it.)
Right now your best bet is to get help from the US employees who have already been talking to you in this thread, hopefully they’ll be able to find a way for you to get in touch with support for Australia.
I now have the 27.8 firmware. The fibaro dimmer 2 response is the same. Possible to include them, but does not respond. Anything else that needs to be done?
I have an ongoing issue, a reported bug to @posborne, it is related to an image received from a LAN connected camera, which knocks out the Hub and crashes it. I have reported the issue back to support too as I remember, but since that the Hub keeps crashing. Sometimes it is able to handle the image, sometimes it is able to handle it after the first try’s hub crash. But most of the time it is just crashing the Hub. The DH was written by @RBoy, but it has nothing to do with it, as the image doesn’t even reaches the DH, it is crashing the Hub before.
At each firmware update for the past year or so I am hoping that this issue would be resolved, but I haven’t received any update regarding it.
What should I do? Should I contact the support email address, where James might would tell me that because I use a custom written DH, then the issue is not supported? (As I have received some answer like this before.)
I am here not to complain, but the issue is quite annoying, as I would like to use the cameras to confirm that my garage door and gate are closed properly, but I cannot, because it is (most of the time) just crashing the Hub.
A few days ago, when I tried to use the new Smartthings app, it has showed the Hub disconnected, but meanwhile I was able to control anything, but add any new device. Every control was working in the classic app, and the Hub was shown online.
To resolve the new Smartthings app, I had to crash the Hub by trying to take an image. So, it is not a fine combination at all, that the previous crashes showing up the Hub as disconnected in the new app. And another crash required to resolve the disconnected state.
I had deleted them from the web interface after the last issues. Added them with the new FW and had the same issues. Did then a normal exclude and added them again. Now they are working fine!
I honestly don’t understand this. I’ve wrote my post here about 36 hours ago. Just about 18 hours later the hub started to do not crash on the image capture and worked well for 6, 8 or maybe 12 hours. Now at the moment it is crashing again at every try. I cannot believe that something works for a period, then it is not working again just randomly. (Mostly not working.)
Even with repeaters, they only can have so many devices joined and routed through them. I think the hub allows for 32(?) devices to be directly connected, and then after that any other zigbee device is routed through other repeaters in your mesh.
Depending on how many bulbs you have, and if they’re on constant power, and how many remaining devices that aren’t repeaters, you could be hitting limits. Try joining the new bulb closer to a recently added Zigbee device that’s a repeater. If that doesn’t help, you can try resetting and rebuilding your zigbee mesh by powering down your hub for 15 minutes at least (I usually wait 30 minutes). When it powers back up, the mesh will rebuild. There are already a few discussions about rebuilding a zigbee mesh, so do a quick search for more info on that.
Interesting reply
So I could be a good idea to buy a dedicated repeater which is on all the time?
I have a Ikea Trådfri signal repeater which I never have used but will try it out now
I tried all this but it didn’t work. Therefore I went to Ikea which could not get it to pair either so I got a replacement. Sadly it is the same issue with the new one so I guess I will visit Ikea again
This is the log from the hub but it doesn’t help me alot except that it looks like the hub are receiving a signal but I don’t know if that is from the new bulb.
91f942ad-00ec-4fb3-8cbf-4868bfecbae1 6:18:25 PM: debug No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
91f942ad-00ec-4fb3-8cbf-4868bfecbae1 6:18:25 PM: debug detecting status for 8646a085-1642-43b9-8066-c7651b36ad0f : true
91f942ad-00ec-4fb3-8cbf-4868bfecbae1 6:18:25 PM: trace in ssdpDiscover
91f942ad-00ec-4fb3-8cbf-4868bfecbae1 6:18:25 PM: debug scheduled run, numberOfRuns: 7
91f942ad-00ec-4fb3-8cbf-4868bfecbae1 6:18:25 PM: trace in discovery
91f942ad-00ec-4fb3-8cbf-4868bfecbae1 6:18:20 PM: debug No devices to add, verified devices: [:]
91f942ad-00ec-4fb3-8cbf-4868bfecbae1 6:18:20 PM: debug detecting status for 8646a085-1642-43b9-8066-c7651b36ad0f : true
91f942ad-00ec-4fb3-8cbf-4868bfecbae1 6:18:20 PM: trace in ssdpDiscover
Those look like Super LAN Connect live logging messages vs. hub event logs. You’ll need to look at the hub event’s logs for messages like “Z-Wave include search started” (ignore the “zwave” because it actually is discovering any type of device, not just zwave).
You might want to factory reset prior to joining. Some devices do that by pressing and holding a button while re-adding the battery.
If you don’t have any pocket sockets (aka wall plugs), I’d highly recommend you get a couple so you don’t have to rely on bulbs to be repeaters since someone can power those off and really mess up your zigbee mesh.
I realize what this forum is about, incase anyone else who is having the same problem is interested in knowing, support have now said that they are investigating this further, this is of course after several emails ruling out my equipment. Just thought you’d like to know in case you to are having the same problem. In the spirit of sharing information… Thanks
I have reached out to support with this issue, here is the useless answer what I have received. I have reported issues through the App before and never received any feedback.
Hi Gabor,
Thank you for writing to us.
We looked into your region and it looks like you are in Europe/Warsaw. Europe/Warsaw has different supported devices listed and if you are having any issues setting them up then I request you to reach out to the correct support channel for Europe/Warsaw.
The best way to do this is to report the issue within the SmartThings App using the “Report a Problem” feature under the" Help" option. This will also help you to send logs to the proper channel. I request you to report the problem in the app and the support agent of the Europe/Warsaw region will reach out to you shortly.
Please follow the below steps to write your query in the SmartThings App.
Go to SmartThings App
Tap the Menu button (3 bars)
Tap the (Gear icon)
Scroll to the bottom and look for the option “Help” Tap on that option
Tap “Report a problem”
You can write your query there and send it across to SmartThings Support Team Europe/Warsaw.