Hub Firmware Beta Group | Local scene execution is ready for testing

Do you have a second hub installed in your location?

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It’s both backup and migration for hubs with 50.X+


I do not. Is that why it’s not showing?
I have the correct hub though yeah?

yes, i believe it only shows when you have 2 hubs at the same location.

I only have a single hub.

well then, guess not!

I have 2 locations with single v2 hubs with FW 51.02 and I don’t have the replace option.

Yours the ST V2 hub?

Yes it is.

Weird that I can’t see that option.

I got a SmartThings Station for Christmas and installed it at one of my locations that already had a v2 hub. And the “Hub Replace” option appeared for that location after the installation of the 2nd hub.


Yes, as you discovered… the two hubs need to be in the same location for the hub replace feature to show:

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