How to use TTS to report what windows/doors are open when I ask Alexa?

When I tell Alexa “Im going to bed” I would like an Alexa routine to kickoff a SmartThings process that checks the states of the contact sensors on my doors and windows and tells me via my speakers (Sonos) if /or what I need to take care of before going to bed. If everything is closed and locked then turn off all the lights and wish me a good night.

Senario 1:
Me: “Alexa, Im going to bed.”
House: [checks contact sensor states]
House: “The downstairs window is open.”

Senario 2:
Me: “Alexa, Im going to bed.”
House: [checks contact sensor states]
House: “The downstairs window and the upstairs window is open.”

Scenario 3:
Me: “Alexa, Im going to bed.”
House: [checks contact sensor states]
House: “The house is secure. Have a good night.”
House: [turn off all the lights and set SHM]

Has anyone does something like this? SmartApps? Webcore? Im open to ideas.
(Thanks in advance!)

It’s easily doable, a month ago o would have been like Duuuh, what’s a webCoRE. What experience do you currently have ? The process would be an Alexa Routine flipping a SmartThings virtual switch kicking off a WeBCoRE piston reporting back via Sonos or Amazon Echos…

Do you know how to:

  1. Create a Virtual switch or a Simulated Momentary push button?
  2. An Alexa Routine?
  3. A webCoRE piston ?

The community can give you examples and samples but it helps to know what you know.

Do I know how to:

  1. Create a Virtual switch or a Simulated Momentary push button?
    – I think I do.

  2. An Alexa Routine?
    – Yes.

  3. A webCoRE piston ?
    – I have created a few pistons. Not sure about how to go about this one though.

And use this for TTS… echo can respond now!


Search the Forum for the ASK ALEXA app. In the app you can add a status report that does exactly what you need.

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I was just typing the same message as @pizzinini but he types faster than I.

This is what I would do…

  1. reference to create an Alexa Switch (set it to be “ON” only)

  2. Search for “Announce Doors and Windows” by @Danabw
    Announce Doors and Windows that are Open, or announce all closed

  3. Modify the Piston to include changes adding a trigger at the top for your Alexa Switch “If Switch does x”

  4. Create an Alexa Routine that when you say “X” it turns on Switch “Y” which runs Piston Z.

If you have Amazon Devices consider the Echo Speaks by @tonesto7 SmartApp to use those instead of Sonos