How to use remote unlock? (Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra)

I have remote unlock activated for my Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra and forgot my password. When trying to unlock it, I seem to not find a unlock button. Locking the Tablet and Setting a PIN works, but after entering that PIN I only get set back to the lock screen.
Any help on this?

Welcome! :sunglasses:

This forum was set up a number of years ago so that customers could help other customers with the smartthings home automation platform. There are a number of community members who do use Samsung tablets, so perhaps someone will have some ideas for you.

Meanwhile, You might get a quicker answer if you ask on the official support forum, which has a tablet category. That one is monitored by Samsung employees. Itā€™s worth a try. :thinking:

There was a post on unlock for the galaxy S22 yesterday:

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