How to set Multichannel Associations to endpoints of a device

Hah! Looks like it can be hacked to work with unimplemented command classes also. For future reference, it is possible to set a Multichanel Association Lifeline association (with RAW Z-Wave bytes) on a device via it’s Device Handler if you use Configuration capability and make the configure method like this:

def configure() {
	def assocCmds = []
	assocCmds << zwave.associationV1.associationRemove(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId).format()
	assocCmds << new physicalgraph.device.HubAction("8E0101000101")
	return delayBetween(assocCmds, 1000)

In the string passed to HubAction “8E0101000101” you can modify the last two byte values in the string 8E0101000101 to fit your controller setup. My example is for Multichannel NodeId 1 with endpointId 1. For Multichannel NodeId 2 and endpointId 3 the string would look like “8E0101000203”.

Does anyone know how the zwaveHubNodeId could be concatenated into that string? I tried the generic “8E010100”+zwaveHubNodeId+“01” way but that caused the command not to be sent anymore.

Now just to test if it’s reliable for multiple inclusions and over a couple of days.

Much thanks to Arcaneshark’s post for the solution: