(Ron Talley)
June 20, 2017, 6:23pm
This is a whopper of an install but once you get it up and running then this is what you are looking for. There are many components to this and it’s considered a moderate to advance setup. But hey, throw you in the deep end and we can all help you “not drown”! Good Luck!
Version 4.1 of Echosistant
Release Version 0.3.3c
Release Date 03/18/2017
This release brings you the most reliable recurring Scheduling app using Cron expressions and robust Reporting, in the all new Notifications & Reporting Add-on Smart App.
To successfully update to Version 4.1 please perform the following:
Update the Main EchoSistant app
Update the Main Custom Slots
Update the Message and Control Profile
Update the Notifications Profile
Summary of changes:
Introducing ST’s only app using robust Cron Scheduler. ~ schedule Hourly, daily, monthly and even yearly events with ease and reliability.
Introducing the fully customizable ‘Ad-Hoc Reports’ ~ This report allows you to select your devices you want to report on as well as create a fully customizable report u…