The AppID identifies the app in general, with that, you make the requests to the /apps endpoint to change the configuration (eg. OAuth configuration)
When you install it, a new instance of the SmartApp is created. This is identified with the installedAppID and you can only use it with the /installedapps endpoint
Also, the token you must use to authorize the request is the one granted to the SmartApp. Personal Access Tokens cannot be used for the requests
to the /installedapps endpoint.
Those values are included in the “Install Request”, see the sample below:
"lifecycle": "INSTALL",
"executionId": "36c3952e-17cb-...",
"appId": "c424c087-a45b-4a00-...",
"locale": "en",
"version": "0.1.0",
"client": {
"os": "android",
"version": "",
"language": "en-MX",
"displayMode": "LIGHT",
"timeZoneOffset": "",
"supportedTemplates": [],
"samsungAccountId": ""
"installData": {
"authToken": "4ac53853-9c8d-...", /*This is used to authorize the requests (eg. create a subscription)*/
"refreshToken": "7785ea2c-904f-...", /*This is used in case the Access Token is expired to get a new one*/
"installedApp": {
"installedAppId": "33b72459-5599-...", /*This ID identifies the SmartApp instance*/
"locationId": "7770e091-79cf-...",
"config": {
"sensor": [
"valueType": "DEVICE",
"deviceConfig": {
"deviceId": "7dd1ae0e-fe07-...",
"componentId": "main"
"permissions": [
"settings": {}
You say “When you install it, a new instance of the SmartApp is created. This is identified with the installedAppID and you can only use it with the /installedapps endpoint”
What is that means ‘install’? Is it Samsung SmartThings app?(Android or iOS)