I’m one month into my ST experience and overall I’m glad I made the investment. I continue to build a smarter home week by week.
Here’s a breakdown of my setup currently:
Motion Sensors(2) - In garage, provides motion detection for security when we are away and automatically turns on dining room light (via GE in wall switch) when motion is detected if we are home (at night), making sure you never walk into a dark house. Works perfectly. Wife loves it. I haven’t decided how to deploy second unit yet, just got it yesterday.
ST outlets(2) - One turns on lamp in family room every night from 6P-6A. Other does the same in addition. My wife loves having the lights on because I travel 3-4 days a week. These work perfectly as well and will eventually be incorporated into the full security system.
GE/Jasco Outlet(1) - Connected to heater in my daughter’s room upstairs. Again, using the Once a Day app - turns on the heater in her room from 7P-7A for comfort. Beats the heck out of remembering I forgot to turn it on manually while away from home. Works perfectly.
ST Presence Sensors (4) - one in each of our vehicles. Have had zero issues other than signal interference with ST outlet during first week of use. Moving the outlet to a new location solved the problem. The presence sensors have been extremely reliable but there is a delay. I’m usually into the garage with the door down before it detects I’m home. Not a huge deal but makes auto garage door functioning almost impossible. Just got another two sensors and haven’t decided how/if to utilize.
ST Multi Sensors(4) - Two of them are on doors (front, addition) to our home. One is on door of daughter’s room with the heater. No sense in turning on her heater if the door is open. Fourth device is on an accessible window. All are coded to sendPush message if contact opens based on home/away mode. I’m still coding but the functionality/reliability has been pretty good.
Evolve LFM-20 Fixture Module (1) - without question my favorite device. Hooked up to my garage door. Using our phones to open garage doors is extremely helpful for us. We were constantly swapping our openers with family who are coming and going, picking up kids, etc… Now each grandparent has an opener and we have our phones. Not sure I could ever go back to an opener. Once I get a sensor on the actual door (to detect open/close) the system will be complete. Absolutely love it.
And now for the not so good:
Multi Temp Sensor - horrible. Never been accurate, not even close. The sensor is my daughter’s room is regularly 5-6 degrees off in constant temperature environment. The other three are on vinyl windows/doors so I would expect them to be pretty inaccurate- and they are. Big time.
Mobile Phone Presence - hit or miss. My phone is accurate most of the time but other two iPhones are sporadic. Actually my wife’s is always miss. She has to open the ST app in order to update her presence tag.
The next step is to integrate more security features/automation but that’s a difficult task when presence detection is so inaccurate. I’m trying to solve that issue with personalized apps but so far I haven’t improved its accuracy.
I use the IDE to code daily and am trying to give our home a personality of sorts. I have most of the automation sendPush to phones so our home literally speaks to us when it does/notices something. It’s a lot of fun. I’m hoping the hardware accuracy improves as I become more familiar with the software. In the end, it could be ridiculously awesome.