Honeywell Wi-Fi Thermostats issue with smartthings

Has anyone been able to successfully set up a honeywell wifi thermostat with ST? I have 4 9000 series wifi thermostats and they work fine with the total connect app, or with Alexa. However, with smartthings there is major issues. Smarting’s wont refresh for hours… I can sometimes change the temperature, but usually not… and it never shows the correct heat setting or current temperature. Both ST and Honeywell blame each other, but since it works on Alexa, my hunch is that there is an issue with ST.

I have three Honeywell 8000-series WiFi thermostats. I’ve never trusted SmartThings to operate them. There are missing features in the integration. For a while there was a Refresh operation you could perform to get the temp synchronized. That went away and now, as you mentioned, SmartThings lags hours behind.

The only thing I do regularly with SmartThings is change the mode. Even that I tend to do twice and then check in the Resideo app to see if it’s worked.


Ah that sucks…I honestly just wanted it to work so I could put them in a Sharptools dashboard… guess that wont be happening…

I use SharpTools to run refresh commands on my Honeywell T5 thermostat. I believe I refresh mine every 5 min. to keep them synchronized.

I do the same. I am pretty sure the issue is across all of the Honeywell thermostats, not just the Wi-Fi ones. Just create a rule to run in a loop to refresh on an interval or a rule to refresh on something like motion, and things will pretty much be synchronized.

Thank you for the update! I’m new to sharp tools… could you help with setting up a refresh rule? Thank you!

Ok figured it out… so far it’s working great… thank you all!!

I have one set up. Refresh is horrible. Sometimes days. If you have sharptools, the refresh is solvable.

  1. Create a true/false variable. I call mine Refresh
  2. Create a rule.
  3. Go back to the variable, edit it, and set the state to true.
    That’s it. It will refresh in the time set for delay in the rule.
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This might be what finally interests me enough to try SharpTools!

I’ve taken a different approach, it’s a bit more certain. Your rule will stop working if the rule gets glitched or stopped for some reason.
State stays is, imo, a better way to run this. It also keeps the rule from lingering in the background.


So… I made the same rule as you… however it will not refresh its self… I even put in a virtual switch to get it started… and it will not refresh unfortunately… any ideas?

Did you look at the logs to see what it’s doing? Maybe post your rule so we can take a look?

Yes, post the rule, when you’re in the rule edit screen, top right tap the menu, there’s a screenshot feature.

Here you go… thank you!

ok figure it out… there needs to be a delay before setting the variable back to false… I am using a 5 second delay and now it is working fine.

That shouldn’t happen though, although my rule is older and didn’t have the multiple devices in one go, I wouldn’t think that’s much of an issue. It should still get triggered even when it was only a milisecond.

I wonder if the Sharptools devs have any insight on this. Are you a member of their community? It’s perfect for stuff like this.

I guess you did it for testing, but I wouldn’t let it run every 30 seconds either, bit over the top it seems for a temperature reading.

I have no clue why it matters, but when I remove the delay it does not trigger. I have also posted over on the Sharptools forum. I changed the refresh to every 5 minutes… just to see how everything goes and I will extend the time if it working out alright.

I would need to see the Rule Logs to provide insights. :slight_smile:

If @cal1319 wants to send the Rule ID along with the approximate time (and timezone) that the rule was not triggering as expected, I’d be happy to take a look… but it sounds like the 5 second delay is working for them, so maybe “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” applies here. :smiley:

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