Help!? How do I connect my existing ADT alarm panel to smart things?

Hello all and thanks for having me.

I need your help in integrating or deciding to give up and buy a new alarm panel.

Opened the Unit I currently have on the wall and under the cover this is what I see:
Model 300-03923v1, (I believe it to be a lynx l3000 mod) Board chip labeled: WALYNX 180s-2.4, (Unit is AKA: ADT quickconnect system) with wireless sensors for doors, windows and motion

I am good with electronics and computers and not afraid to get my hands dirty but I lack knowledge and how to in software creation.
I do want to keep the unit connected with ADT monitoring and would like to have their involvement minimal during the upgrade if one is possible.

The goal is to integrate the existing unit with my new smartthings setup allowing me to arm from anywhere as well as access to other features. Has anyone done this? Should I just go buy a new unit? If so which one and can I install it myself and call ADT to begin monitoring it? Please any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @batmantch, welcome to ST and the Community. I recommend doing a search because that has been discussed many times. I’d think you’ll find what you’re looking for here:

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@johnconstantelo thank you for your reply. I looked around before and also followed up with your link to many discussions on similar situations but I have yet to see the lynx model I am requesting being discussed. Most discussions are centered around wired big box systems. The arduino board project and set up shows some promise but again I either have missed it or cant find anyone using the system I have working with this project. I will keep looking in hopes to get close to a solution. It would be nice to get more comments or suggestions on this subject. I will upload pictures as well and will dig into arduino project to see if it fits my model of security system.