For simplicity, I have all my lights assigned a number, and group them in rooms. A co-worker has two bedroom lights, named left bedroom light and right bedroom light. I would have named them numerically. It didn’t take me long at all to remember what number was assigned to which light.
Problem is, in both cases if you say hey google turn off the light, all the lights will turn off.
My lights are named perfectly. Bedroom lamps, bedroom light, bedroom fan, living room light, living room fan, living room lamp and so on. Works 100% perfect with Alexa. No issues. If I try the exact same thing with Google Home it is a jumbled mess.
If I say hey Google turn off of the living room light (this name is for the ceiling fan light) google turns off my ceiling fan light (correct) and also turns off my living room lamp (incorrect).
Had a similar initial experience. My solution was to stick to no more than two words and keep repeated words, as in light, at the end. When I used bedroom light and bedroom fan, the GA responded too fast and changed all things bedroom.
I also change the way I speak. I use a “radio voice” which seems to work well with GA. Also, if I say, “What is the temperature of the thermostat?” then GA understands. But, if I say, “What is the thermostat temperature?” I get a “can’t do that yet” message.
My take is that GA is looking for a specific syntax.
I had to setup shortcuts (lots) to get this to work properly. Nowcif anyone say to turn on or off a light or lamp in any combination without using the devices name, Google will respond and say Try again using the name of the one you want.
Another issue…
What is the phrase to have Google set lights to a certain level? Anyone know? Common phrases are not working.
Hey, Google set the dining room light to 20%. - doesn’t work
Hey Google turn the dining room light to 20%. - doesn’t work
Hey Google adjust the dining room light to 20%. - doesn’t work
Those work with Alexa and Smartthings.
***I am using a custom device handler for my GE fan switch, but using the stock one for my GE Dimmer switches. Google does set the fan switch when I ask to set to xx percent, but not the light switches.
The first one should work fine. That’s what I use. I have read some other postings with people having trouble with lights. I never have.
Is “dining room light” the name in SmartThings? Does the name actually include light or lamp?
I don’t recall ever getting this response from Google. It sounds a little like its confused about which switch you want to turn on. But I don’t understand why yet from what you have posted.
If I completely delete the dining room ROOM then it works!! The lights are independent and I can ask Google to set the dining room light to xx percent and it works. I can ask to turn off the dining room light and it only turns the dining room light off, not the lamp too.
It’s too bad rooms doesn’t operate 100% correctly. It should never turn off a lamp or light that is not in that room.
I will probably have to delete all the Rooms if I want these devices to dim properly and work independently, but the Google home device in some of the rooms. Guess I can create bogus rooms and move them there. Room 1, Room 2, and so on.