Google 7” smart hub 2 pack $100 @ QVC (January 31, 2010)

Today only! January 31, 2020


@jkp, you almost got me! I currently have 5 Echo Shows and God knows how many other Echo Devices. I tried the little Google speaker but never really got into using it much. This is a great deal! Had to goto a couple of review videos and survey says…I don’t “need” it! :zipper_mouth_face:

Personally, I like the Google hubs more than the echo shows. The rotating picture gallery is a family favorite. Unfortunately, we have a number of echo dots already established in our house, with ring stuff.

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My only complaint is that when Google digs up a 10, 15 year old picture that it doesn’t include the picture metadata because try as I might, I can’t find some of those pics in my Photos account. LOL