GoControl Accessory Dimmer, Wiring and Other Questions

A smart switch with no dimming that controls the current to the smart bulbs has other problems and is not recommended either.

  1. (Most important): Smart bulbs are intended to always have power. Every time the power is cut and then turned back on, there is a surge of power called “inrush current.“ it’s all right if this just happens a couple of times a year, like with a power company outage but if you are using the switches to turn the lights on and off all the time you will very significantly reduce the lifetime of the radio in the bulbs, making expensive bulbs that much more expensive. :disappointed_relieved:

  2. when the power is cut by a switch to the bulbs, then the bulbs cannot hear the next “on” command from the network. They just aren’t designed to be used that way.

Instead, either use dumb bulbs with a smart switch or use a smart switch which is specifically designed to be used with smart bulbs.

See the following: