Generic Camera Device using local connection (new version now available)

@pstuart - I just wanted to thank you because I simply could not have done any of the few projects I’m linking below to show you how and where your work evolved. Here’s is one notion that feel compelled to share. I’m now changing device ID to random number at end of execution so multiple devices can point to the same internal IP. This has been really useful especially when I want to point to the single Raspberry Pi but run completely different Device Handler logic. Here’s the line of code I use and it’s done at the end of the parse() function right before doing any returns.

device.deviceNetworkId = "ID_WILL_BE_CHANGED_AT_RUNTIME_" + (Math.abs(new Random().nextInt()) % 99999 + 1)

Here’s a list of my projects of mine that borrow a LOT of your contributions :slight_smile: Thanks again, not only for figuring this out but sharing it with us. FYI, lots of folks fail above and have corrupt images. Your description of the issue is more than clear and I made sure to open a support case to give them a piece of my mind. The hubAction/S3 integration breaks at about the 40KB mark.

All the best!