GE ZWAVE Outlet (exclude or reset)

I hope someone can help me with the below.

I have two GE Zwave in-wall outlet that I want to exclude from my existing network and then join to my new network. In the absence of being able to exclude I would be fine if I could just factory reset the device. I need to do this as part of migrating from my V1 to V3 hub.

I have tried all of the combinations but have not been successful in either excluding or performing a factory reset.

I go to the device in the smarthings app and then select to delete. I believe this put the hub in exclusion mode. You should then be able to press the button once and the device should be excluded. No success on this process

I then tried to factory reset the device by pressing the button 3 times (which are acknowledged by the LED changing status each time and then one long press for more than 3 seconds which should be acknowledged by the LED light flashing 5 times. No success on the LED flashing 5 times.

Thanks… all input welcome

Have you tried using the z wave exclusion facility?

Select your hub from the app home page then press the 3 dots in the top right corner and from there select z wave utilities and then z wave exclusion.

Once in exclusion mode you normally press the pairing button on the device to be excluded but check your device instructions for number or type of presses.

If these operate anything like the GE Zigbee outlets, they are a MASSIVE PITA. They won’t factory reset unless you have an active load in the controlled outlet when you run the reset procedure (I have a small table lamp I use whenever I need to.) You also have to get the timing on the button presses EXACTLY right.

Try it with a load on the outlet then let us know what happens.

the z-wave utilities are not available in the app for the v1 hub. They are only available from IDE.

you can remove the devices from the v1 hub and once you add the new hub, you can exclude all the z-wave devices you removed in the app for the old v1 hub.

I tried the exclusion action available through the IDE interface. As you mention it is not available in the app anymore

Unfortunately that did not work

Thanks for the suggestion. I just tried with an active load on the outlet.

Unfortunately no success.

Thank you , Nick

OK - I think I worked out the problem, or atleast I know how I got it to work

I needed to put the hub right next to the device. I am ‘guessing’ that you can only use the exclude functionality when the device is connected directly (not hopping) to the hub

Sounds weird, but I know when I did this it got two outlets to exclude straight away.
