You can certainly do it with zigbee, but not with that particular model as that switch itself doesn’t send the necessary information when turned on at the wall.
There are more consumer friendly low cost DIY zigbee devices coming out every day because of the popularity of the Amazon echo system.
So my personal guess is that we will see a low-cost DIY zigbee switch with double tap capability within a year, but that’s just a guess.
Just as one example, there is a new line of zigbee green power batteryfree switches Which just came out in the last month or two. They have four codes from one switch. They don’t work with smartthings yet, But they do work with the hue bridge and HomeKit via the hue bridge. So we are starting to see more options.

Update for 2019: They’re here! Now available in both the US and Europe. Phillips hue bridge required. However, while they work well with the Phillips hue bridge and HomeKit , they are not exposed to smartthings through that integration. according to smartthings staff, the smartthings Zigbee 3.0 implementation did not include the green power clusters that these devices require.These are “self powered” zigbee green energy switches which don’t need batteries: they are powered by the kinetic energy that occurs when you press the switch. If you’re familiar with the Phillips hue “Tap,” this is the same technology. In this case, though, Phillips is not going to make the switches themselves. Instead they have chosen partner companies in the different regions that alre…