GE 24 volt lighting automation

I need some advice. I bought a new house and it has a GE 24 V home automation system from the 70s that uses relays in the attic to turn on lights when low-voltage switches in the walls her throne. I want to automate this. I am thinkIng about using An arguing board with relays in momentary mode.

I have no experience with arduino so I will be starting from scratch.

Has anyone had any experience with doing something similar? Thanks very much for your help in advance.

PS this may also be a fools errand and it might just be cheaper for me to replace the whole thing with a Lou Tron system of some sort

this I would also be interested in any ideas or suggestions?

I have a similar system and would love to hear if there are replacement smart switches that can be found. AS of now, I am finding it just as easy to replace a few of the bulbs that the switch is controlling, but then need to rely on someone not hitting the pad/switch and powering off the devices!

I found these Mimo light devices, and they are promising.

But they are one channel. They were promising a larger multi-channel this year. I will look into it. That would allow us to have just one unit to close the contacts. We just need a momentary closure.


Scott Huotari, President/CEO
Creative Computer Solutions, Inc.

OK, here is the multi channel one.

This would allow for a On closure and an Off closure.

So one of these would be needed for every light to allow for on and off operation.

Now to see if I can use it with Smartthingsā€¦


Scott Huotari, President/CEO
Creative Computer Solutions, Inc.

It looks very promising. I ordered one off of Amazon and will keep you posted

Here are details on smartthings compatibility and installation


Scott Huotari, President/CEO
Creative Computer Solutions, Inc.

I got this installed but could not get the contact closure to turn the lights on. Only off. So for now, I use the two channels to turn off the lights.

The logic is backwards too. So to turn off the lights i say turn sconce on to close the contacts. Kind of weird.