FLS-PP lp a ZigBee Light Link Wireless Ballast for LED Stripes

@manu Thanks for the answers. My Hue bulbs are connected directly to the SmartThings hub (No Hue Hub) I do this so my Hue bulbs will connect to my existing HA routers and all operate as one big network. Several other SmartThings uses do the same thing even though this is not a recommend solution it works very well.

However, SmartThings does not lock down their ZigBee HA hub to the ZigBee Light Link channels 11, 15, 20, 25. My SmartThihngs hub is on channel 14 and therefore my Hue Bulbs are all on channel 14. My Light Link remote from Phillips will not reset a Hue Bulb once it has joined with the SmartThings hub. I suspect this is because it is joining on a non Light Link channel. Does your company have a Light Link Remote that will reset my Hue bulb and your Ballast if it is on ZigBee Channel 14?? If so I will buy one today if it is affordable.