I have a new First Alert ZCOMBO Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm. I had no difficulty adding it to my SmartThings Hub, but I can’t get automations to work. I created an automation to notify me and turn on some lights when the ZCOMBO is tested. When I test the ZCOMBO, none of the automations work. In the SmartThings app, the ZCOMBO device does show when the smoke detector is being tested. Even though the ZCOMBO first tests its smoke detector, then tests the CO detector, the SmartThings app only reports the smoke detector being tested. When I try to set up a routine/automation to notify me when the ZCOMBO is tested, the only option available is to notify me when the CO detector is tested; this option isn’t available in the SmartThings app under the smoke detector side of the ZCOMBO. I’ve not been able to test if actual smoke or CO alarms trigger the SmartThings automation, as I haven’t been able to set off the ZCOMBO with smoke or CO. Any help would be appreciated.
@nayelyz : This appears to be a bug with the smokeDetector capability, not with the ZCOMBO specifically.
According to the documentation, smokeDetector should have 3 values (clear, detected, tested):
Same as the carbonMonoxideDetector capability (clear, detected, tested):
But as you said, when creating a routine on a device with the smokeDetector capability, only “clear” and “detected” are options.
Creating a routine on a device with the carbonMonoxideDetector capabilty you see all 3 options.
You can easily duplicate this on a virtual smoke or CO device with those capabilities.
The smokeDetector
presentation doesn’t include tested
as an option in the automation conditions. It does, however, include it in the dashboard and the detail view. So I think you have them bang to rights there.
- label: '{{smoke.value}}'
- key: clear
value: '{{i18n.attributes.smoke.i18n.value.clear.label}}'
type: inactive
- key: detected
value: '{{i18n.attributes.smoke.i18n.value.detected.label}}'
type: active
- key: tested
value: '{{i18n.attributes.smoke.i18n.value.tested.label}}'
type: active
actions: []
- label: '{{i18n.label}}'
displayType: state
label: '{{smoke.value}}'
- key: clear
value: '{{i18n.attributes.smoke.i18n.value.clear.label}}'
type: inactive
- key: detected
value: '{{i18n.attributes.smoke.i18n.value.detected.label}}'
type: active
- key: tested
value: '{{i18n.attributes.smoke.i18n.value.tested.label}}'
type: active
- label: '{{i18n.label}}'
displayType: list
- key: clear
value: '{{i18n.attributes.smoke.i18n.value.clear.label}}'
type: inactive
- key: detected
value: '{{i18n.attributes.smoke.i18n.value.detected.label}}'
type: active
value: smoke.value
actions: []
id: smokeDetector
version: 1
@westfordjoe, as @orangebucket mentioned above, that option isn’t included in the capability presentation, this means that it isn’t supported.
We can create a request to see if it can be added, but it can take some time to be reviewed and implemented (if approved).
Thank you all for your generous responses. I’m new to SmartThings and not a computer programmer, so I have a few follow-up questions:
Do your responses mean that I won’t be able to get SmartThings to run a routine/automation when I press the test button on the ZCOMBO?
Is it likely that the ZCOMBO is working fine with SmartThings and that, if there is a real CO or smoke alarm condition, the routines/automations I set up will in fact work?
Is there a good way to simulate a CO and smoke condition to test this functionality? First Alert says not to use a real flame or motor exhaust. They say pressing the test button is all the testing that is needed. First Alert says motor exhaust can damage the unit and void the warranty. Canned smoke for testing smoke alarms is very expensive, and I’m not sure it also won’t damage the detector.
For smoke, you can use a smoke pen/generator used for draft and leak testing. Works great.
I’ve tested ZCOMBO with one on SmartThings/Edge and it triggered the smoke alarm correctly and registered an alarm condition in Smart Home Monitor. We have 3 of the ZCOMBOs in addition to regular swath of non-smart smoke/CO alarms.
I made this smoker from a coffee can and aluminum foil, filled it with cardboard, and lit it inside my barbecue grill for safety. The ZCOMBO alarm went off almost as soon as I held it in the smoke plume. I received a SmartThings notification and a text message that the ZCOMBO had detected smoke. The house lights I programmed to turn on turned on.