Field error in object 'physicalgraph.device.Device' on field 'name': rejected value [null]; codes

Im getting the following error in the IDE. I have used the exact same code previously and it works great, and now its throwing this error. All inputs are populated so nothing there is null.

`grails.validation.ValidationException: Validation Error(s) occurred during save():

  • Field error in object ‘physicalgraph.device.Device’ on field ‘name’: rejected value [null]; codes [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nullable]; arguments [name,class physicalgraph.device.Device]; default message [{0} cannot be null]`

Hard to guess without the actual code… do you have a field called “name” by any chance? Maybe they made a change on the backend and that’s now a reserved word, and it’s throwing everything off?

Nope. Here are the fields

preferences {
	//what is the departure location?
	section("Departing From:"){
		input "departFrom", "text", title: "Address?"
    //what is the destination location?
	section("Arriving At:"){
		input "arriveAt", "text", title: "Address?"
    //what time do you need to arrive?
	section("Expected Arrival Time:"){
		input "arrivalTime", "time", title: "When?"
    // //what time should I begin checking traffic?
	section("Begin Checking At:"){
		input "checkTime", "time", title: "When?"
    //some traffic threshold in minutes
	section("Traffic delay over this many minutes is considered Some Traffic:") {
		input "threshold2", "number", title: "Minutes?"
    //bad traffic threshold in minutes
	section("Traffic delay over this many minutes is considered Bad Traffic:") {
		input "threshold3", "number", title: "Minutes?"


Glitch in the Simulator. All I had to do was fully uninstall the app from the simulator and retype all of the inputs and update.

`grails.validation.ValidationException: Validation Error(s) occurred during save():

Field error in object ‘physicalgraph.device.Device’ on field ‘name’:
rejected value [null]; codes
arguments [name,class physicalgraph.device.Device]; default message
[{0} cannot be null]`

Getting the same thing, but after uninstalling the app from the simulator and retyping the inputs and update didn’t work for me…

Try logging out in between?

Yeah, not sure how I got it to go away, but I know what causes it.

If you have 2 input preferences with the same name and save, it will fail.

Eventually I got it to go away, but the simulator has issues… In other news, the sky is blue.

Agreed. Just writing a small app today I had to log out twice