This is a current known problem caused by changes in the SmartThings implementation of zwave. It’s being discussed in the official announcement thread for the most recent firmware update as well as an active thread specific to this issue.
There’s a workaround for now, but you have to use the Z wave tweaker DTH temporarily, just long enough to do the configuration.
Now that the SmartThings firmware upgrade has occurred, I have noticed a change in the way in which the Fibaro light switches (Dimmer 2 and Single Switch 2) function when they are added to the SmartThings Hub. In short, they no longer appear to sync configuration changes, requiring me to use Z-Wave Tweaker in the IDE to sync the changes.
I have v2 of the SmartThings Hub and use the Classic App.
All of the Fibaro light switches I added AFTER the recent firmware upgrade seem to have a problem syncing the configuration changes using the Classic App. When the configuration is saved, they no longer “sync” the parameters. They appear to store the changes immediately, but no longer display a cycling thru the parameters for a few seconds of a sync process. But the changes arent really implem…
More about the tweaker:
Many Z wave devices have “configuration parameters” which let you do a one time set up of the device. For lighting, this is typically things like the rate at which a dimmable light fades to off, whether the Indicator LED is on when the light is on or on when the light is off, etc. For a siren, it might define whether both the sound and a strobe light were triggered at the same time. For a motion sensor, it might be the duration of the inactivity period before it reports again. Other devices will have other configurable parameters. And it’s up to each manufacturer to decide exactly what parameters will be configurable for each model. Typically the options will be listed in the user guide for the device.
So far, so good. But now how do you actually set those parameters what you have a dev…