Fibaro parameters not saving (April 2019)

OK, @ian_black, even SmartThings DTHs is broken when attempting to set the configuration because the Fibaro Device is set to run locally but the DTH is using the runIn() without using forceForLocallyExecuting: true. So the problem is that runIn() will be ignored for locally running devices if forceForLocallyExecuting is not set to true.

The two affected DTHs are

  1. fibaro-dimmer-2-zw5.groovy - Fibaro Dimmer 2 ZW5
  2. fibaro-motion-sensor-zw5.groovy - Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5

A fix for this issue would be for the user to publish the SmartThings DTHs themselves which will cause the two impacted device to no longer run locally, this will then circumvent the runIn issue described above. After the user is done configuring their device, then can either choose to run devices in the cloud or remove their locally published DTHs, and that will cause the devices to be run locally again. I know it is not ideal, but it is a quick workaround for time being until we fix the issue in the prod.

We are working on a fix as we speak now, no timetable when these issues are fixed, but should not be longer than a week.

Thanks for reporting this issue and your patience.