Fan Controller

I am looking for an fan controller that can be mounted in the ceiling or shroud of the fan. I do not care if it can control the light or even the fan speed but would be nice. Currently the fans just run off pull chains and do not have any switches. My main goal is to link it up so they fans don’t run when no one is home. So speed, and lighting control is not that important.

I know there are other posts but they all seem to be looking for something that can control the fan speed and adjust the lighting. I am just looking for the ability to turn the fan off an on. Anything above and beyond that would be awesome but not required.

If you just want to turn them on and off you can use a relay like an Aeotec Nano or a Fibaro. As you mention, the controller many of us are using from Home Depot will give you dimming and fan speed on top of that, plus a handheld remote if you find that more convenient. If you’d like to have a wall switch, you can buy another compatible fan controller and set that (battery powered) remote to control the fan as well.

Any in wall relay should be able to do that.

I have a ceiling fan (3 speed)/ light kit (on/off) on a single wall switch. Is there a solution to use the single wire to the fan/light kit to provide full independent control of both fan & light?

No. Just the Hampton bay kit.