I know this has been asked many times but the last request/update was last year so just checking if there is any new news on how to integrate directly with eWeLink instead of using IFTTT.
I will explain how I have linked to the eWeLink switches using IFTTT so this is not a empty questions; however, I would really like to directly integrate with eWeLink like I was able to link to the TP-Link devices using a unofficial application created by Dave Gutheinz and posted here on the SmartThings Community.
If there is a app like that out there for eWeLink I would sure like to find it.
Anyway for anyone that happens to search for eWeLink and has not yet figured out how to make a link using IFTTT I will explain this below.
- You will need to open the SmartThings editor at the following link:
Edit: Correct link as noted in reply below: https://account.smartthings.com (thanks jkp)
(I have not found a way to do this on my smart phone so I do this set on my PC) - In the editor click My Devices menu item. Then click [+New Device] on the top right side of the screen.
- You will be creating a Simulated Switch so under “Type” Select "Simulated Switch"
3a.Give the Simulated Switch a meaningful name that reflects the eWelink switch you are linking to.
I make “Name”, “Label” and “Device Network id” the same thing. (note: I don’t know if it makes a difference but I drop an special characters I may have in the name in the “Device Network Id”)
3b.Select your “Location”, “Hub” and “Group” if you have any setup. Then Click [Create].
3c. Edit: Correction as noted by (djbilly) You will need to Allow IFTTT to Control the new switch so it can be seen on the IFTTT site.
In the SmartThings app under the Automations options SmartApps there is a IFTTT app that you can add or remove your device for use in IFTTT. I don’t remember if the IFTTT app was already there or showed up after I first authorized the devices when I setup IFTTT and logged into my SmartThings account. In any case you can authorize your devices from this app or on the IFTTT site by selecting the SmartThings service and then edit the settings. After logging in you will be able to select your location and it will display all the devices that can be authorized. - Repeat step 3 for every eWeLink switch you need to link to.
- If you have not created a IFTTT account you will need to do that.
It is simple to setup just follow the direction. - Once you have a IFTTT account select the “My Applets” menu item and then click on [New Applet]
- You will see a statement “if +this then that” Click on the “+this” and in the Search start typing SmartThings and this will filter the service listed. Select SmartThings Service and log in to your SmartThings account.
7a. Select “Switched on” and you should be able to find one of the simulated switches you created in step 3. 7b. Select the simulated switch and [Create trigger] - You will see the Statement again but the +this is replaced with the SmartThings Icon. and “that” is changed to “+that”.
8a. Click “+that” and in the search start typing eWeLink and the eWeLink Smart Home icon will display.
8b. Selected and log into your eWeLink account as needed.
8c. Select the type of eWeLink switch you have. (there are only 8 choices total 4 different Plugs and 4 different switches.)
8d. Once you select your switch type the select the switch you are linking to and mark it to Turn On and [Create action]. - Modify the title as you like and decide if you want a notification every time the applet is run. (you may want to do this to test your first switch but I do not recommend doing this on all the switches or you will be going back through all the applets to turn it off and that is not any fun trust me. Each switch will have 4 applets and in my case I have 15 switches so I had to modify 60 applets) (One more note on editing I found that on IFTTT every time you edit a Applet the selected SmartThings device is dropped and you have to reselect it.)
9a. Click [Finish] - Now repeat to create a Off applet for the SmartThings Simulated Switch.
- You will want SmartThings to know if the eWeLink has been activated by Alexa, eWelink or other means so you will need to create a On and Off applet with eWeLink as the Trigger and your SmartThings Simulated Switch as Action Target.
Overall, every switch you need to link will need 4 applets:
–SmartThings ON trigger
–SmartThings OFF trigger
–eWeLink ON trigger
–eWeLink OFF trigger
Well I hope someone has developed a Smartapp to directly connect to eWeLink but if not I hope I have provided some help for anyone that may be looking for any way to link to your eWeLink switches.