Events emitted by the driver and not reaching the platform (App and web advanced user)

Hi @nayelyz

Again, intermittently, the events emitted in a driver for diferentes capabilities do not reach the platform, (app or we advanced users) and the app gives a network error and the value of the capability is not updated.

These are the driver logs, I try to change the value to 1, it is emitted and the app gives a network error and returns to the previous value.

connecting... connected
2024-10-22T17:23:23.932788778Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Received event with handler capability
2024-10-22T17:23:23.934165778Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> received command: {"args":{"value":1},"capability":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","command":"setDeviceParameter","component":"main","positional_args":[1]}
2024-10-22T17:23:23.935800278Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_switch -> Device Config subdriver
2024-10-22T17:23:23.939990487Z PRINT Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <<< device_Parameter:  1
2024-10-22T17:23:23.940974737Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"deviceParameter","capability_id":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","component_id":"main","state":{"value":1},"visibility":{"displayed":false}}
2024-10-22T17:23:23.959523612Z DEBUG Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Device Info-Luz Entrada device thread event handled
2024-10-22T17:23:47.337063114Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Received event with handler capability
2024-10-22T17:23:47.345918239Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> received command: {"args":{"value":1},"capability":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","command":"setDeviceParameter","component":"main","positional_args":[1]}
2024-10-22T17:23:47.347492698Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_switch -> Device Config subdriver
2024-10-22T17:23:47.348443114Z PRINT Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <<< device_Parameter:  1
2024-10-22T17:23:47.349354614Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"deviceParameter","capability_id":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","component_id":"main","state":{"value":1},"visibility":{"displayed":false}}
2024-10-22T17:23:47.365656448Z DEBUG Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Device Info-Luz Entrada device thread event handled
2024-10-22T17:24:13.301779951Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Received event with handler capability
2024-10-22T17:24:13.352392909Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> received command: {"args":{"value":1},"capability":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","command":"setDeviceParameter","component":"main","positional_args":[1]}
2024-10-22T17:24:13.358960701Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_switch -> Device Config subdriver
2024-10-22T17:24:13.369995576Z PRINT Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <<< device_Parameter:  1
2024-10-22T17:24:13.383738784Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"deviceParameter","capability_id":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","component_id":"main","state":{"value":1},"visibility":{"displayed":false}}
2024-10-22T17:24:13.456873492Z DEBUG Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Device Info-Luz Entrada device thread event handled

I’ve already tried removing {visibility = false}
I’ve already tried adding {state_change = true}

Sometimes it works and other times it doesn’t work until a while passes and it works again.

Hub logs sent and permission given to my account

It’s really frustrating!


Some minutes after value 1 is not received in app, but value= 11 works, and then value= 1 is emitted too.
What filters have smartthings set to not emit some events to the platform?

2024-10-22T17:41:19.263264545Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Received event with handler capability
2024-10-22T17:41:19.270312045Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> received command: {"args":{"value":1},"capability":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","command":"setDeviceParameter","component":"main","positional_args":[1]}
2024-10-22T17:41:19.271887545Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_switch -> Device Config subdriver
2024-10-22T17:41:19.272922628Z PRINT Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <<< device_Parameter:  1
2024-10-22T17:41:19.276065628Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"deviceParameter","capability_id":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","component_id":"main","state":{"value":1},"visibility":{"displayed":false}}
2024-10-22T17:41:19.291207003Z DEBUG Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Device Info-Luz Entrada device thread event handled
2024-10-22T17:41:53.122975632Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Received event with handler capability
2024-10-22T17:41:53.131378674Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> received command: {"args":{"value":11},"capability":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","command":"setDeviceParameter","component":"main","positional_args":[11]}
2024-10-22T17:41:53.133065257Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_switch -> Device Config subdriver
2024-10-22T17:41:53.134015965Z PRINT Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <<< device_Parameter:  11
2024-10-22T17:41:53.134908132Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"deviceParameter","capability_id":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","component_id":"main","state":{"value":11},"visibility":{"displayed":false}}
2024-10-22T17:41:53.152204924Z DEBUG Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Device Info-Luz Entrada device thread event handled
2024-10-22T17:44:33.823942052Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Received event with handler capability
2024-10-22T17:44:33.832459094Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> received command: {"args":{"value":1},"capability":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","command":"setDeviceParameter","component":"main","positional_args":[1]}
2024-10-22T17:44:33.834121177Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_switch -> Device Config subdriver
2024-10-22T17:44:33.835066219Z PRINT Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <<< device_Parameter:  1
2024-10-22T17:44:33.835960511Z INFO Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  <ZwaveChildDevice: 0efe83ca-a955-4c3e-83f1-fa81f5960fa3 [bd5c15c7-76f5-4430-b95d-c8ea349e9f61][main] (Device Info-Luz Entrada)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"deviceParameter","capability_id":"legendabsolute60149.deviceParameter","component_id":"main","state":{"value":1},"visibility":{"displayed":false}}
2024-10-22T17:44:33.853509552Z DEBUG Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Device Info-Luz Entrada device thread event handled
2024-10-22T17:44:34.518235802Z TRACE Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc  Received event with handler unnamed

1 Like

Everything could be so easy if we’d be given access to the hub logs or at least filtered parts of it.

Development for HA must be a breeze.

Hi, @Mariano_Colmenarejo.
Can you provide more context, please?

  1. Is it happening with this custom capability only or with others as well?
  2. Does it happen when you’re consecutively trying to change the value?

I’m just trying to see how it can be reproduced to report it.

It happens with other capabilities from the same profile or from other profiles.

It is the child device that is used to configure parameters or zwave groups.
There was also a similar problem, where you had to wait a while, about 30 minutes, for the initial events emitted to the capabilities to be assigned.

This was the response:

Yes, you can see in the logs that I tried it several times in a row.

But the error you mention is where we changed profiles and couldn’t initialize the capabilities, right?
I’ll try to reproduce the error.
In the meantime, if you’re able to replicate the error, we need the following info:

  1. Enable the logcat for the driver
  2. Replicate the issue, if possible, please record the mobile device’s screen
  3. Take note of the time when you did this exercise and share it with us (including timezone) so the team can compare all the logs
  4. Generate the ST app logs after replicating the issue
  1. Submit the hub logs through the Advanced Users app
  2. Copy the driver logs into a file and share it with us


The capabilities now are initialized fine after change profile, not errors.

Can see in the logs posted, when I try to change a capability value =1 several times:

  • Command from app with new value = 1 arrives to driver.
  • Can see the screenshot spinning capability gear with value=1
  • Driver handle the app command received
  • Driver emit new value = 1 to platform
  • New value = 1 does not arrived to app and advanced user web.
  • Can see screenshot with network error and show old capability value=3.
  • My zone time is gmt+2
  • I sent the hub logs of this CLI logs posted
  • I enabled my account access

Hi, @Mariano_Colmenarejo. Following up, have you checked if this still happens in the firmware version 54.14?

Hi @nayelyz

Yes, it keeps happening intermittently or with a pattern that I cannot be found and also fails to initialize some of the profiles capabilities, not always the same ones.

It seems that it only affects custom capabilities

Hi @nayelyz

Is there something in the platform that blocks certain capabilities from being shown in device history (app and smartthings web)?

My zigbee thing Mc driver that showed device information (clusters, fingerprints,…) in HTML format in the custom capability legendabsolute60149.deviceInfo stopped working when HTML text was prevented from being shown in the App.

A few months later I modified the driver to show normal text in the same capability legendabsolute60149.deviceInfo and to be able to see the data in the device history and other data in the details view (model and manufacturer).
This capability was no longer shown in the history although now it will show normal text and not HTML.

I created another capability legendabsolute60149.clustersInfo to show this normal text in the history with the cluster information.

Today I have seen that now any capability of this device is not shown in the history when it is paired to the zigbee thing Mc driver and it does show events in the history when it is paired to its normal working zigbee switch Mc driver.

nov/05 workf fine:

No events have been displayed today, even modifying some event data so that it is not identical to the previous one, although they are emitted with {state_change = true} and it worked perfectly.

In the attribute state in advanced users and app data are shown

If I use these capabilities in other drivers, such as zwave device config Mc, the same thing happens today. A few days ago they worked in the history and now they don’t work anymore.

working with zwave device config Mc today:

working with zwave device config Mc (nov/04):

With zwave switch Mc today:

I really don’t understand what is happening, but it is impossible to work with custom capabilities to see data, such as device parameters and values ​​of the devices, they show the data when they want and others give a network error and now they are not shown in the history either.

If there is something wrong for heath of the platform in these capabilities, could you please say what it is?
