Hello, I am trying to create a system to control my house. I need to control a Samsung TV.
When I try to request the url “https://api.smartthings.com/v1/devices/{deviceId}/commands” with correct authorization headers the error is the following:
[{“requestId”:"",“error”:{“code”:“ConstraintViolationError”,“message”:“The request is malformed.”,“details”:[{“code”:“BodyMalformedError”,“target”:“httpRequestBody”,“message”:“The request body is malformed and cannot be processed by server.”,“details”:}]}}]
The request body is the following:
Headers are the following:
["Authorization: Bearer ",“Content-Type: application/json”,“accept: application/json”]
Can someone help me? Thank you.
Are you using POST method for this?
Have you tried including empty arguments array in the body?
Yes, I am using POST method.
If I use the following body the error is the same:
I was using python’s request library to send the POST request. Changing data=payload to json=payload fixed the problem for me. Corrected Code Below
payload ={“commands”:[{“component”:“main”,“capability”:“switch”,“command”:“on”}]}
activity_request = requests.post(‘https://api.smartthings.com/v1/devices/{deviceid}/commands’, json=payload, headers={‘Authorization’: 'Bearer ’ + custom_token})
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I solved the problem changing the body injection.
Now data are sent using GuzzleHttp php library that manage the body in a different way.
works for me, … thanks arjun