Emergency...repeating pump piston!

I have a pretty crazy leak in my back yard that has sprung up. No amount of shutting down pipes has stopped it. So, trying to manage a bad situation, I have a pump that we rented to get the water out into the street and into the storm drain while we wait for the city to get here (and others…)

So, I have been desperately trying to learn Core for the first time to setup a routine. The pump is just a outdoor z-wave controller that works great.

  1. Turn on the pump for a minute, (the time needed to get the water out of the Hole
  2. Shut off the pump. (so that it doesn’t burn out the pump)
  3. Wait 2 minutes (Time it takes to fill back up which is probably 50 gallons)

I am using a DO action but have also tried a Simple one but can’t seem to get it to work. The piston state just either gives me back null or that it changes to false and does nothing. Help!


I think you need something to start the piston to begin with. Have you tried creating a tap to start the piston?

My snapshots are in reverse order…

Thank you for the quick reply! I just added your suggestion and that may give me a clue. It appears that it is skipping over my commands and then starts a 5 second countdown and then just cycles. Am I not starting (i.e. turning on ) the switch? It always seems like it doesn’t do any of the other commands.

Start with something simpler until you get the tap working…

Start over from scratch.

just have it turn on the pump. If that works, add the wait and turn it off.

I no longer have CoRE installed, switch to webCoRE a while ago, but your logic seems correct.

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Pump changes to Off
using pump…
wait 2 minutes
turn on
wait 1 minute
turn off

the first time you turn off your pump, the core piston will kick in.

You should move over to Webcore, there is a repeat function until

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Thank you @jkp and @whoismoses!! The trick what using the ‘off’ event to get things going. I redid my rule and also as suggested, built it step by step to get it going. I think I had all the logic just firing off and not in sequence.

Sure enough, it has been working for the last hour. Thanks to all for the quick help!

I have been using Smartthings for well over a year now and can’t wait to use CoRE for more automation.

The main problem I saw was you were using the pump then location then the pump then location.

Old CoRE runs those all at the same time. So like [quote=“jkp, post:5, topic:91040”]
Pump changes to Off
using pump…
wait 2 minutes
turn on
wait 1 minute
turn off
Where everything is under the pump works because old CoRE runs those actions in order.

That was definitely what I was seeing. Once I changed where I was putting the logic, I was off and running.

Fantastic plugin and fantastic support from the community. Once this little emergency subsides, I am going to try out the web version.

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