Edge Driver Xfinity Contact Sensor

Hello - I am having an issue. I removed this sensor and tried adding it. Perfectly paired with your driver. However, in the app it doesn’t display anything. Please see what’s showing below. I tried multiple times to pair / un-pair but nothing. I also tried to open and close purposefully but always remaining in OPEN state.

Resolved - just needed to reboot the hub. Thanks!!

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OK … I have some xinfity contact sensors. I installed the β€œZigbee Contact Mc” edge driver on my hub and deleted the old ide-driver device from my location. I reset the switch by removing the battery and holding the button, reinstalled the battery and it appears to be in pairing mode. Now how do I add it back? scanning for nearby does not find it. If I add it by selecting device type open/close sensors, which model should I add it as?

You should be using Scan Nearby. You want to get the sensors very close to your hub during pairing. Like sitting right on the hub.

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Thanks, that did it, although pulling it loose from the double stick tape was a b*tch

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Clear mounting tape is much easier to deal with than the foam tape that come with most sensors. There are several brands.

thanks, I’ll try some out.

Hi Mariano,

Thank you for your hard work on all of these great Edge drivers. My sensors have a slightly different number and I am wondering if you can add one more to this?

Hi @JKnight

Added to this driver version

 Name         Zigbee Contact Mc
 Version      2023-01-18T10:02:19.750004435        
- id: "Visonic/MCT-350 SMA"
    deviceLabel: Tyco Open/Closed Sensor
    manufacturer: Visonic
    model: MCT-350 SMA
    deviceProfileName: contact-profile
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Perfect, thank you! Much appreciated!

Has anyone else had a problem getting Zigbee Contact Mc to work with a V2 hub? I’m trying to add both an XHS2-SE and UE. Scan found them as Zigbee Device and the advanced website wouldn’t let me change the driver to Zigbee Contact (which I know works). I found this thread and installed the Zigbee Contact Mc driver and I was able to change to that; but the App just shows β€œ-” for Contact sensor, temp and battery. Signal Metrics says β€œWaiting Zigbee Message” - but it never seems to get whatever message it’s waiting for. After a while my new SE says it’s offline and I can’t get it back online. The UE still (after an hour) says connected, but there is no data. Any suggestions?

I use Zigbee Contact Mc with 2 different v2 hubs and it works great. I would suggest deleting the problem devices and then re-pair them next to you hub.

Well that sort of worked - thanks for the suggestion. I deleted the SE device that was offline and reinstalled it. This time it recognized it as a Sercomm contact device and the open/close reporting was working. Interestingly, the other UE device stared reporting the open/closed state as a result too.

Neither are reporting temperature or battery, but there’s a message saying β€œThis device hasn’t updated all of its status information yet. Check again later.” so perhaps it will show up later.

Temperature won’t report until there is a change in temperature. You could warm it up or cool it off to force a change.

Battery reporting often takes several hours or more before it reports.

I just bought a lot of 10 Xfinity open/close sensors. The ZigBee Contact MC driver works perfectly with them. Thank you!