Edge driver to Associate Eaton Dimmer Switch RF9642 does not show up for my device

Zwave direct association is not bidirectional.

If the OP wants turning on the accessory switch to cause the master switch to turn on via Z wave direct association, it doesn’t make any difference if the accessory switch is in the association groups in the firmware of the master switch. That doesn’t cause the master to turn on when the accessory turns on.

The master Has to be added to the association group in the firmware of the accessory switch.

If the accessory switch cannot be added to an edge driver that exposes the association groups then there’s no way to do it with Zwave association right now, because the stock Groovy DTH doesn’t expose those settings and you can no longer add a custom Groovy DTH (like the Z wave Tweaker).

So I am afraid that in the current situation, the only solution for using zwave direct association is to get the accessory switch matched with an edge driver that exposes the association groups.

Yeah, I see what you’re saying. I think I mis-read which direction he wanted the sync to happen.

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The device can be linked by manufacturer and productType and with any productId.

- id: 001A/4449/0101
    deviceLabel: Eaton Dimmer Switch
    manufacturerId: 0x001A
    productType: 0x4449
    deviceProfileName: switch-level

In the stock driver there is a fingerprint for the Eaton dimmer and another specific fingerprint and subdriver for the Eaton accessory dimmer.

   {mfr=0x001A, prod=0x4441, model=0x0000} -- Eaton Dimmer Switch

I don’t know if this is enough to master and slave dimmers to work.

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His accessory dimmer has a fingerprint of 001A-4441-0502 so it’s not matching the model of 0x0000. I think there either needs to be an exact match or the productID needs to be removed like the fingerprint of the master.

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Thank @h0ckeysk8er
I did not see it

Added to this version of the Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc driver, which also already has the option to create child devices to configure parameters and associations of each device

I don’t know if it is a stock driver error or my mistake, but the fingerprint of the Eaton accessory dimmer with productId 0x0000 I cannot found on the Z-Wave alliance page

 Name         Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc
 Version      2023-03-27T15:26:34.151021779        
- id: "Eaton/0000"
    deviceLabel: Eaton Dimmer Switch
    manufacturerId: 0x001A
    productType: 0x4441
  # productId: 0x0000 # 0x0502 modified 27/03/2023

Here you can see how to create the configurator device if you need it

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Thank you very much! I installed the Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc, but it is not automatically adding to my RF9642 device which is using the DTH standard driver. It will only installs on my other devices that are using edge drivers

I suspect that now that you made this change on your side, when I exclude and re-add RF96402 device it will now install the Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc edge driver. But my understanding is that this is just a configuration tool and that after I am done using it I need to revert back to the standard edge driver. Since standard edge drivers are not installing on my device, how will this work?

Thanks again for this information on routines, while I try to work out the driver and Association issues I am having, I tried setting up routines as a temporary work-around, but I can’t seem to get them to work properly. In the “Smart lighting” routine could I get some help to know what to put in each section so that my accessory dimmer is controlled to my master dimmer?

  • Devices to control: Accessory Dimmer?
  • Actions - Control devices: 1. (on/off) 2. Dimmer (set/not set) 3. sync with switch (Yes/No)
  • Device status: Switch Master Dimmer? 1. (on/off) 2. Turn off when condition is reversed (Yes/No)

Also, do I need to set 1 routine for on and another for off or can I just set the Turn-off when condition is revered to “Yes”

I haven’t played with dimmers controlling each other, but my logic says:

  • Devices to control: Accessory Dimmer
  • Actions - Control devices: Sync with switch
  • Select devices: Master Dimmer

I’m not using the new version of Smartlighting, but in the older version (where sync was called mirror) this would cause actions on the selected device to be mirrored to the controlled device(s).

Thanks for the quick reply, I just tried that and it did not work. In a way I am glad it was not that simple, as I would have felt very foolish spending 8 hours on Saturday trying to set up associations for this feature to work…LOL. Oh well, I sent a note to the Aeotec Help Desk. Maybe they have a solution. I think I am calling it quits for tonight.

The OP is hoping to use the 9642 accessory to control the 9640 master, not the other way around.

The idea in this type of virtual three way is that the master controls the current to the lighting fixture.

The accessory is simply a remote to allow you to actuate the master from a different physical location.

So pressing on on the remote should then tell the master to turn on.

The accessory is the “if“ and the master is the “that”.

I don’t know what the current terminology is in the app, though, it seems to be pretty confusing. :thinking:

No, the Zwave Switch and Child Mc edge driver is not just a configuration tool. It is a full featured driver that would be used for every day functionality.

The configurator tool from the same author is called “Zwave Device Config Mc.”

His wording is confusing since he said “…so that my accessory dimmer is controlled to my master dimmer?”

If it needs to be the opposite, then switching it to be:

  • Devices to control: Master Dimmer
  • Actions - Control devices: Sync with switch
  • Select devices: Accessory Dimmer

should, in theory, do what he wants.

I agree that the wording in the new Smartlighting app leaves something to be desired.

P.S. I verified that the “Devices to control” with sync/mirror the behavior of the “Select devices”.

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Got it. I excluded my 9642 and added it back to the network. The device successfully installed the “Zwave Device Config Mc” driver. I created the child and I see it next to my hub. I am so close !! Thanks again everyone for getting me this far.

Here are my questions:

Is there a way to find the DNI of my 9640 Master Dimmer using a web broswer or do I need to install the “Zwave Device Config Mc” driver on the device?

Do I need to do anything on this window?

Can I assign group 2 and 3 at the same time or do I have to do one at a time?

I will put the DNI of my master switch in “Node To Write Hex”,

I will set the Device Association Type to Multi Channel Device. Is this correct? What is the difference between multi and single?

I will put the Group Command Option to “Set”

I will click the actionButton2. Why does it have a “2”

I will remove the child bv going to Edit device and Remove device

Anything else I need to do?

Here are the manuals for my devices that show the group settings:



Also here is a helpful guide that the Aeotec support team sent me that others may find useful. It answered all my questions except the ones above LOL

SmartThings - Configuration of a Z-Wave Device : Support (freshdesk.com)


If you device dimmer Master is a single channel dimmer you need use the single channel device association, unless your manual says otherwise.

This link has how use the driver Z-Wave Device Config Mc that is the same that use with Child device config created.

On this page, in the preference “Select Z Wave Device Action” you can select the different configuration and association functions

Because the app does not show the labels of the custom capabilities well and shows the creation name of the capability

When you have finished with the association and see that it works, you must delete the child device configurator. You can create it again when you need it

The DNI of the device receiving the command can be seen in the “Device Fingerprint Info” option.
In this case it would be the DNI of the Master dimmer and the association must be done in the Accessory dimmer, which is the one that will send the on-off or level command to the Master dimmer