(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc

Hi, I am using this driver with Cree zigbee bulb. Despite the driver setting to remain off after power failure, the bulb turns back on when power resumes. Is there a way to stop this? Thanks.


  • name: β€œrestoreState”
    title: β€œATTEMPT Restore State if Power Lost”
    description: β€œWARNNING: COULD NOT WORK. After the power supply is back on, the State can be restored to previous state or remain switched off (Default: Device restores previous state)”

According to preference description, the driver will try to configure it, but it may not work.

That depends on whether the bulb supports that function and very few does not support or use a cluster and custom attribute that I don’t know about.

The driver uses the standard Zigbee cluster and attribute and the custom Tuya cluster and attribute.

If you know if Cree bulbs support that function and what cluster, attribute and values they use, you can share it and I will add it to the driver.

I’m don’t know if it’s supported. Are you aware of any brand of bulbs that do support this?

this user try 3 model and Ecosmart works fine

Any idea why all my Ikea Tradfri bulbs have stopped responding (on/off, dimming, color temp, etc)?

Tried reinstalling some bulbs, but that did not change anything.

If you haven’t heard about this before, then any suggestions on what I should look for?

I have a considerable amount of bulbs in my house.

Have enjoyed some of your other drivers which are working well, so thank you for those.

Has anyone had an issue with the lights not turning off when blink is on?

If I have my lights blinking and turn the LED off from the app, the strip will keep blinking.

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@Mariano_Colmenarejo, could the power-on defaults be configured on the Ledvance light bulbs?

According to this post in the home-assistant community it should be feasible.

This agrees with what Ledvance states on its faq:

The default setting of your SMART+ Zigbee lamps depends on their Zigbee version:

a) SMART+ Zigbee Light Link lamps:
For Zigbee Light Link lamps the default factory setting is switched on at 100% brightness with warm-white light. Depending on your smart home system the default setting can be changed in the options.

b) SMART+ Zigbee 3.0 lamps:
For Zigbee 3.0 lamps the default setting will be determined by the last used setting. This last used setting is stored after 30 seconds and includes the color or the color temperature and the brightness of the lamp.

I already tried it on an osram classic bulb and it didn’t work.

I don’t have any other osram or ledvance bulbs to try, sorry

I could test it myself If you provide me a driver with this option added.

I have to look for the version of the driver where I tested the code and I will look at it, but I am very busy right now with work at home, as soon as I can I will do it

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all right!

Tried searching but haven’t found.
Is there a best practice to have a bulb mirror another bulb’s color temp?

Ideally, I’d have both bulbs be set to a daylight color temp during ~20 minutes after sunrise until ~20 minutes after sunset when they’d be a more amber color temp. I don’t want to have a routine that turns the lights on or off at a specific time, as they are controlled by a Zen34 switch.

Goodnight @Mariano_Colmenarejo . I’m having problems with the Zigbee Light Multifunction MC drive with gledopto led controller. When I click on, the LED turns on but in the APP it just keeps pressing the button and presents a network or server error, where the LED stays on but in the APP it appears as off (which hinders the execution of routines)… When I use the drive smartthings beta, this problem doesn’t happen, but I really like the circadian function of your drive and would really like a solution. Would you help me?

Hello @higorchv

This happens because the expected state response, ON, is not received from the device.

It may not have been installed correctly or in some hub update the driver may not have been initialized correctly.
Did device ever work correctly with this driver?
What model is it?
Did you reboot the Hub?

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This gledopto device is an old model (glc008), I installed it now. It works perfectly on the smartthings beta drive. However, I have another new model gledopto device that is working perfectly on its drive (the same drive that does not work on the old device). I have already removed and added the device, I have already restarted the smartthings hub.

Does it only happen when you run on-off-on commands?
Is the circadian function active when it malfunctions?

The circadian function is on, the problem only happens when you turn it on. To turn it off, it updates in the APP. When I turn off the cycardian function, the device stays on and off in the APP, but the intensity bar remains at 0%, even though the LED is on and device showing on in the APP… If I refresh the page, dragging it down it updates intensity to 100% (correct intensity)… The other gledopto device that is working with this drive also has the circadian function turned on, but is working perfectly.

try with this driver version

 Name         Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc             
 Version      2024-06-02T16:37:10.899828352        

It appears that other people have had the same problem with this gledopto device. How do I install this specific version of the drive?

It will updated automatically in 12 hours max.

I think if you try to delete driver in app with devices paired, then driver does not deleted but updated