(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc

Yes, capability level refer to brightness level.
In this case are minimum and maximum brightness level variation during circadian period

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@Mariano_Colmenarejo Please can you remove the Innr SP242 plug device fingerprint from this driver? The plug is already supported by your ZigBee switch power MC driver.

Iā€™m having problems with getting an innr SP242 plug to report power usage, and when I add the device in smartthings it always uses the zigbee light multifunction MC driver first. I want to use your zigbee switch power MC driver with the SP242 but I have to change driver after install to use it. Iā€™m wondering if thatā€™s why my plug isnā€™t reporting power at all - itā€™s not being setup correctly by the light driver on first install.


This device does not exist in the Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc fingerprints driver, but must be paired through the generic clusters.

The Zigbee Switch Power Mc controller does have the correct fingerprints and should be paired with this controller as the first option.

There are problems with the management of the hub caches and it creates all kinds of problems. Among them, there are users who have reported that when you install a new driver in the hub, it does not use it until some time has passed since it was installed or when the hub cache is updated, it can be half an hour or more, who knows!

Wait a while and try again

I have one room in my house with 15 downlights. This week I replaced them all with Zigbee dowlights from Aliexpress that I had previously confirmed work with this driver.

I have been having nothing but problems. I have tried the following:

  • Control each device individual as part of a routine
  • Create a lighting group that contains all 15 devices
  • Create one mirror group that contains all 15 devices
  • Create 5 mirror groups with 3 devices each
  • Control each device manually.

Regardless of the settings, the devices are functionally unusable. If they respond to a command at all it takes anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds before they start changing, and another 5 to 10 seconds for all 15 to update. I notice that they seem to get ā€œhung upā€ I may issue 3 commands in short succession with no response (e.g. change to blue, change to green, change to 2700k) and nothing will happen for 30 seconds. Then they will suddenly make all 3 changes back to back. This happens even when Iā€™m only controlling a single light.

I have other Zigbee RGBCCT devices on the hub that are much more responsive, and back when I only had one of these downlights to test it was also much more reliable/responsive.

Am I doing something wrong or am I just running up against the limitations of Smartthings? I accept that the lights will likely never change state in perfect concert, but I need to be able to push the button that turns them on and have them reliably/consistently turn on within 5 seconds

Does anyone have any other suggestions of things to try?

That sounds like a saturated zigbee network or hub.

Check the status of the hub memory on the advanced users web page


Thanks @Mariano_Colmenarejo - it worked after a while.

Power reporting is still rather unreliable but not sure if thatā€™s the plugs or the driver!

Where do you find this in smartthings? The Web api?

In my.smartthings.com advanced user, hub data

I assume you mean in the Driver memory status section. I show ā€œsoftlimitā€ currently but I only have 96 devices connected to the hub currently with 13 drivers and 32 Zigbee devices.

This doesnā€™t seem excessive to me. Do you recommend I remove the devices and add them one at a time until I reach that soft limit?

Would connecting them through a second Zigbee bridge reserved exclusively for these cans help?

There may not be too many installed devices, but I donā€™t think the excessive delays are the fault of a driver.

Rather, I think it is the management of all the radio messages that are generated in both directions, hub->devices, devices->hub, when that multiple routine is executed.

I agree that the driver isnā€™t to blame. Iā€™ve made a video to demonstrate the issue, which occurs even when sending multiple commands in succession to a single device.

Do you think upgrading to a more modern hub (I have an Aotec V2) would improve performance?

I donā€™t think itā€™s a hub model problem, v2 should work fine.

The process that you see when you execute an On command in the app has three stages for different networks and it is convenient to identify where the problem may be:
1. External Internet network:

  • when you press On in the app the command is sent to the smartthings cloud
  • The cloud sends the On command to the corresponding hub.
  • The button begins to rotate, starting a timer waiting for the On state in response. If the response is not received within the time set in the App, then a network error appears and the App status returns to Off.

2. Local network and zigbee:

  • The Hub receives the On command via internet, router.
  • ElHub forwards it already decoded to the corresponding driver.
  • The driver converts the received On command into a zigbee On command sent to the destination device.
  • The device receives the On command and executes it
  • The device sends one or more messages to the hub with the acknowledgment of receipt of the message and the final status of the device On and level.
  • The hub receives the message from the device and sends it decoded to the driver
  • The driver interprets the message and emits the device status event to the platform.

3. External Internet network

  • The smartthings cloud receives the event and sends it to the app
  • The App will update the On and level status of the device.

To determine which process the delays may be in, you can run local routines, it does not need external internet network, and see if it works better or the same.
If it works just as bad it could be:

  • Your Wi-Fi network is interfering with your Zigbee network: You can try changing the channel on your Wi-Fi network or your Zigbee network.
  • Your zigbee network loses messages due to saturation or devices that are far from the hub and make several hops. It may be that the 15 bulbs are acting as a repeater for each other, producing excessive Zigbee messages and overlapping or losing them.

This process is for one bulb, multiply this by the number of bulbs you want to control simultaneously.

There is a problem with some hub firmware, which can only be seen in the CLI:

  • When the device sends the response message to the Hub with the status of the corresponding cluster, it also sends two useless ZDO messages from the basic cluster. We started seeing this in the first 52.x versions and then they removed it, but some devices do not reconfigure themselves again and I have had to re-pair each device so that it stops sending those two useless ZDO messages that could increase traffic. the zigbee network in some cases.

I have been using this for the past few weeks and noticed that the Moes zigbee lights turns on in a two-step process where it turns on and then sets the brightness. I have the circiadian on removed the ā€˜turn onā€™ from the routine and just set the dimmer but it turns on the bulb in the last colour and completely ignores the circadian. Am I missing something?

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The circadian function calculates the color temperature and brightness corresponding to the current time of day, within the values chosen in preferences.

This function is executed when it is activated and an On command is received.
If you send a setLevel command, it will turn on at the brightness value you send in the command, not at circadian level.

If you do not send the On command, then the calculated circadian values are not established, nor is the timer that recalculates the values corresponding to the current time every 5 minutes.

Each manufacturer chooses hardware and firmware for its devices based on the quality/price of its product within compliance with the mandatory zigbee specification.

In the circadian function, the driver sends a moveToLevelWithOnOff command without transition time. This should turn On the bulb at the level sent in the command.
If your bulb does not do this correctly it may be the fault of your bulb.

Does this happen with other models of bulbs?

I have Tuya, Lidl bulbs, and they work correctly with this circadian function


Noted Marianno, I will change my routines to turn it on now. Is there a make it turn on with the set colour temp and brightness or will it have to be two-step process? I meant is there anything in the settings that will help me achieve this?

If you mean when you use the circadian function, it should turn on directly to the calculated circadian values, level and color temperature, sending only an On command

If you mean using a routine without the circadian function activated, then the order in which smartthings executes the commands of the routines only depends on smartthings and nothing can be done.

When in a single routine you send a command of level 50% and 3000k color temperature, the order of execution of the routine on the platform is this:

  • The color temperature 3000k command is sent and received in the driver

  • If the driver uses the default handlers:

    • The Switch On command is sent to the bulb and it turns on at the last known level
    • The MoveToColorTemperature command is sent ( 3000k, transition_time = 0x0000)
  • If you use my driver:

    • Send the MoveToColorTemperature command ( 3000k, transition_time = preference.value)
    • If the bulb is off, the On command is sent and it turns on at the last known level
  • About 500ms later the command SetLevel= 50% is sent or received in the driver.

  • If the driver uses the default handlers:

    • Send the command MoveToLevelWithOnOff ( 50%, transition_time = 0xFFFF)
  • If you use my driver:

    • Send the MoveToLevelWithOnOff command ( 50%, transition_time = preference.value)

The visual result is similar:

  • First you see the light bulb turn on at the last known level and color temperature 3000k
  • approximately 500ms later the level is set to 50%

To reverse the order, what you would have to do are two routines:
1st send command setLevel 50%
2nd send the command color temperature 3000k, but if the color temperature is very different from the last known color temperature, you will also notice a change in temperature

Itā€™s not perfect either, but I donā€™t think this is so important, although for each person whatā€™s important can be very different and Iā€™m not going to give an opinion on thisā€¦

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I am using your driver only and have enabled the setting the switch on forced brightness and circadian active. It is not going through a two-step process now and the brightness and circadian is setting correctly. Problem solved for now but will monitor for a few more days and try your suggestion if it doesnā€™t work.

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Anyone able to get the Innr bulb to work?

It can turn on and off but once on its at like 1% brightness. The brightness canā€™t be controlled. Tried other drivers like smartthings but no one works with brightness.

Model - AE 264

innr E26 Smart LED Bulb White, Zigbee Light Bulb, Works with Philips Hue*, Amazon Echo (4th Gen), and SmartThings, 1060 Lumen, A19 Dimmable, 2-Pack - Amazon.com

This device does not exist in the stock driver or in mine Mc.
It is matched by the geberic clusters 0006, switch and 0008, level.

It should work fine this way as a switch-level device.

Until Sunday or Monday I donā€™t have access to the cli to add it.

Try pairing it again near the hub, I think it should work fine as a generic.

I bought some innr bulbs over the weekend AE-262-2 ā€” been fighting with em all week. I have been having the same exact experience. About to return them for some Sengledā€™sā€¦

Regarding the bulbs I had from innr, this was in their reply to meā€¦

We have seen before that our new bulbs have trouble dimming in the SmartThings system, and are currently working on a solution for this. Unfortunately, we are currently waiting for SmartThings to help with this, so it may take a few weeks before we can resolve this issue.
When SmartThings has linked our account to our brand, we will start creating drivers in the SmartThings system for Innr products, so Innr products will work better in the system.