(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc

Driver development proposal:

Is it possible to add to Level By External Steps new operating mode?

In the new operating mode, the step would not be fixed, but the level external step would start changing the level until it was stopped.


  • Writing value +N or -N to Level By External Steps capability
  • The value N the determines the rate of level’s change.
  • Writing value +N means to level up and writing value -N means to level down.


  • Writing value 0 to Level By External Steps capability

Ikea Rodret Driver expose the “Held” and “Toggled up” events.

The lamp(s) dimming (Level changing) would be implemented with the new operating mode and routines. The “Held” event would start changing the level and “Toggled up” event would stop changing the level.

Maybe this is what @milandjurovic71 is looking for.

The Ikea On/Off Switch is sending following Zigbee Commands when it’s buttons are held (from logcat):

Button “I” is held

Zigbee message: < profile: 0x0104, cluster: Level >, … ZCLCommandId: 0x05 >, < MoveWithOnOff || MoveStepMode: UP, rate: 0x53 >

Zigbee message: < profile: 0x0104, cluster: Level >, … ZCLCommandId: 0x07 >, < StopWithOnOff || >

Button “O” is held

Zigbee message: < profile: 0x0104, cluster: Level >, … ZCLCommandId: 0x01 >, < Move || MoveStepMode: DOWN, rate: 0x53, options_mask: 0x00, options_override: 0x00 >

Zigbee message: < profile: 0x0104, cluster: Level >, … ZCLCommandId: 0x07 >, < StopWithOnOff || >

The Ikea On/Off Switch can be used to control the lamp(s) directly without a hub.