(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc

There is offset in settings

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I know but I was asking for an option to automatically set the UTC to the correct value (in case of time zone change) but looks like the driver is not looking at the UTC to identify the current time so have written routines without the UTC. I will monitor for a day or two and then feedback if it’s not working.

I don’t know if I understand it correctly.

The driver uses the UTC time of the system, the hub and adjusts it to the local time of the Hub location.
the hub does not change time zones, only changes when there is a change to summer and winter time.

Ah…ok, get it now, thanks Mariano. BTW, the circadian night setting is working fine.

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@Mariano_Colmenarejo, Just a suggestion and am not sure if it’s easy to build this, I am using Wiz Wifi bulb for my living room that I have set it to Circadian Rhythm and it asks me to specify the start and end time of the day so it can circle through the colour temperature throughout the day. Would it be possible to include this in your driver as well?

It requires a lot of changes, I will look at it, but I don’t know when I will be able to

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Level and Colour temperature can be changed by external steps. Would it be possible to add similar option for colours as well?
It would be great to be able to cycle through a set of predefined colours using a single button press. It is possible now, but it requires to create separate automation for each colour.

Hi @Beno951

It could be done, but it would require quite a few changes to the driver and now I’m quite busy.
For each color, Hue and saturation values are necessary, what would you change just steps in the Hue while maintaining the saturation?

Yes, only changing hue would be fine. For my use I have saturation at 100 all the time anyways.

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Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo I have an issue that I do not think is driver related. @nayelyz

When editing/creating a routine and I change the kelvin value using the slider or numerical input, and select done it exits the routine, this is on iOS. I only have one type of adjustable light _TZ3210_ksqwlz9v
so I cannot say if it is light specific, but it appears to be app related not driver as the presets/recent do work.

Has anyone else observed this?

Hi, @NickA
Just to confirm I understood correctly.
You’re trying to set an action in a routine that changes the colorTemperature but once you click “done”, the page is closed discarding the changes, right?

Correct, it exits the routine and goes back to the device routine list of the device. Hope that makes sense if not I can post some screenshots.

Hi @NickA thank you for the feedback, I was able to reproduce the issue and I already reported to the corresponding team.

Hi. Has anyone been able to get this driver to work with a Gledopto LED controller? I am really just trying to get this RGBCCT Controller/Strip to just output white light @2700K. It seems impossible with every driver I have tried. Can someone help?

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It works with Gledopto controllers

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I would like to 2nd the request to be able to adjust the Circadian time. I really want the automatic adjustments to occur later than 6 o’clock and would love to be able to manually set the hours of the circadian function.
Under the old Circadian smartapp we could automatically move from full brightness early in the evening, to dimmer lights as bedtime approaches. 6pm is just way too early to get that benefit.

Driver development proposal:

Is it possible to add to Level By External Steps new operating mode?

In the new operating mode, the step would not be fixed, but the level external step would start changing the level until it was stopped.


  • Writing value +N or -N to Level By External Steps capability
  • The value N the determines the rate of level’s change.
  • Writing value +N means to level up and writing value -N means to level down.


  • Writing value 0 to Level By External Steps capability

Ikea Rodret Driver expose the “Held” and “Toggled up” events.

The lamp(s) dimming (Level changing) would be implemented with the new operating mode and routines. The “Held” event would start changing the level and “Toggled up” event would stop changing the level.

Maybe this is what @milandjurovic71 is looking for.

The Ikea On/Off Switch is sending following Zigbee Commands when it’s buttons are held (from logcat):

Button “I” is held

Zigbee message: < profile: 0x0104, cluster: Level >, … ZCLCommandId: 0x05 >, < MoveWithOnOff || MoveStepMode: UP, rate: 0x53 >

Zigbee message: < profile: 0x0104, cluster: Level >, … ZCLCommandId: 0x07 >, < StopWithOnOff || >

Button “O” is held

Zigbee message: < profile: 0x0104, cluster: Level >, … ZCLCommandId: 0x01 >, < Move || MoveStepMode: DOWN, rate: 0x53, options_mask: 0x00, options_override: 0x00 >

Zigbee message: < profile: 0x0104, cluster: Level >, … ZCLCommandId: 0x07 >, < StopWithOnOff || >

The Ikea On/Off Switch can be used to control the lamp(s) directly without a hub.

What this function now does is send the command:
StepWithOnOff(device, direction, levelStep)

Now you would have to send the command:
MoveWithOnOff(move_mode, rate), where move_mode = Up or Down and level % rate equivalent to rate = rate *100/254. (0x53 = +/- 33% per second).
When the level reaches 0% it turns off and when the level is greater than 0% it turns on
I would have to add another preference to choose the operating mode, in steps or continuous.

I will write it down to do it when I can, I have several things pending on this driver and I am quite discouraged with the changes that are continually breaking things.

This would turn the light directly associated with the remote On and Off at a rate of 83 units per second (0=0% to 254=100%). In the example you give of the command received in the logcat it would move at 33% (83 units) per second until it turns Off or until it turns On at 100% in 3 seconds.

The real speed depends on the hardware of the bulb, whether it supports variable speed movement or not. If it does not support it, it will move to the rate established in its firmware/hardware.

I don’t see the timestamps of the messages, but I imagine that if you release the button in 1 second it will only vary 33% in one direction or another


Hi all,

I have run into an issue with one of my hubs. I have about 36-40 zigbee ecosmart bulbs that are using the zigbee light multifunction mc driver. They’ve been set to circadian lighting option as active and were working flawlessly until recently. I would say about 3-4 days ago, the lights no longer changed hue and brightness. In addition, they weren’t responding to on/off. I removed the driver and re-installed the driver on each bulb. The bulbs respond to on/off, but they don’t change hue and brightness automatically. Each bulb continues to say “This devices has updated …”

Has anyone ran into this issue lately? Has there been a change to the driver or hub firmware that could be causing it? Any solutions or suggestions?


The driver has not changed since February 27.
The firmware of the hub and the apps have changed with many changes that could have broken something.

There have also been changes to the platform that affect history event filters and other unknown things that leave capabilities inoperatives in some drivers for a time, about half hour, giving a network error.

It makes I want to send everything to…

Try changing the value of the Forced on level capability and the Blinking mode to another value and then restore them, I don’t know why these capabilities are now giving an error when the driver initializes.

When I have some time I’ll look at it, now I can’t

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