(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Drivers for Motion, Open/Close, Moisture, Smoke-Co Sensors and others Devices

Hi Mariano,
Can you please add this device? 2 ch switch.

Thank you.


Added to this driver version

 Name         Zigbee Multi Switch and Child Mc     
 Version      2023-08-08T17:28:30.93383885
- id: "TS0002/_TZ3000_lugaswf8"
    deviceLabel: TS0002 Switch
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_lugaswf8
    model: TS0002
    deviceProfileName: two-switch

Thank you!

Thanks, @Mariano_Colmenarejo!

It’s works fine! :grin:

1 Like

Hi Mariano.
once again thanyou for your answer.
I am new to this edge driver things.
But this i what i got from your Zigbee Thing Driver:

Hi @Pattayacity

Sorry, as @w35l3y said, the device doesn’t expose the EF00 cluster, but it does and it won’t work with my driver.
You have to use the driver that manages the EF00 cluster

Hi Mariano,

Is it possible to have this device added to the driver list?
It is a zigbee in-line dimmer.

Hi @kortex

The device info is incomplete.
Please refresh detail view and see the history events of device too

Thanks! The driver is working.

1 Like

this device stop responding . Here is some logs after re-pair:


? Select a driver. 28
connecting… connected
2023-08-11T10:34:55.627222706+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Setup driver Zigbee_Switch_power with lifecycle handlers:
DeviceLifecycleDispatcher: Zigbee_Switch_power
DeviceLifecycleDispatcher: Zigbee_Switch_power → Device Temperature

2023-08-11T10:34:55.632790789+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Setup driver Zigbee_Switch_power with Capability handlers:
CapabilityCommandDispatcher: Zigbee_Switch_power
CapabilityCommandDispatcher: Zigbee_Switch_power → Device Temperature

2023-08-11T10:34:55.633343664+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Setup driver Zigbee_Switch_power with Zigbee handlers:
ZigbeeMessageDispatcher: Zigbee_Switch_power
ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: ElectricalMeasurement, attribute: ACPowerMultiplier
ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: ElectricalMeasurement, attribute: ACPowerDivisor
ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: ElectricalMeasurement, attribute: ActivePower
ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: Level, attribute: CurrentLevel
ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: OnOff, attribute: OnOff
ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: SimpleMetering, attribute: CurrentSummationDelivered
ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: SimpleMetering, attribute: Multiplier
ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: SimpleMetering, attribute: Divisor
ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: SimpleMetering, attribute: InstantaneousDemand
ZclGlobalCommandHandler: cluster: OnOff, command: DefaultResponse
ZclClusterCommandHandler: cluster: Groups, command: GetGroupMembership
ZigbeeMessageDispatcher: Zigbee_Switch_power → Device Temperature
ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: DeviceTemperatureConfiguration, attribute: CurrentTemperature

2023-08-11T10:34:55.654312456+00:00 FATAL Zigbee Switch Power Mc runtime error: [string “cosock.lua”]:296: [string “datastore.lua”]:38: Data store keys and values must be JSON encodable: userdata: (nil) is of unsupported type userdata
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘error’
[string “datastore.lua”]:45: in upvalue ‘check_if_valid’
[string “datastore.lua”]:38: in upvalue ‘check_if_valid’
[string “datastore.lua”]:38: in upvalue ‘check_if_valid’
[string “datastore.lua”]:38: in upvalue ‘check_if_valid’
[string “datastore.lua”]:38: in upvalue ‘check_if_valid’
[string “datastore.lua”]:38: in upvalue ‘check_if_valid’
[string “datastore.lua”]:38: in upvalue ‘check_if_valid’
[string “datastore.lua”]:38: in upvalue ‘check_if_valid’
[string “datastore.lua”]:60: in metamethod ‘__newindex’
[string “st/device.lua”]:403: in field ‘init’
[string “st/zigbee/device.lua”]:495: in field ‘ZigbeeDevice’
[string “st/driver.lua”]:396: in method ‘get_device_info’
[string “st/driver.lua”]:780: in function <[string “st/driver.lua”]:777>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘error’
[string “cosock.lua”]:296: in field ‘run’
[string “st/driver.lua”]:823: in method ‘run’
[string “init.lua”]:398: in main chunk

I haven’t changed anything in this driver since June 9, 2023.

Was it already paired with the driver when it stopped working?

Does it give a fatal error in the driver registry?
the only thing that has changed is the firmware of the Hub.
did you tried reboot de hub?

Zigbee Switch Power Mc                      

Paired in the past , become offline, I deleted and re-pair

After successful pair, the driver was @veonua driver which only works for on/off no power metrics . I change to your driver since it includes signal metrics as well as power metrics, and that what I got in LOG I put in previous message.

Hub reboot , did not helped

I’m using the same version

This sounds to me like it already happened with another driver.

Delete the driver from your hub and reinstall it or try to install it by overwriting it with the CLI

re-install did not helped. I’m still unable to control with your driver…,
the LOG while trying to on/off with is showing nothing. …
Zigbee thing MC works and show details of Finger Print
Here is a LOG from @veonua driver that allow ON/OFF , but not showing power metrics


? Select a driver. 11
connecting… connected
2023-08-11T13:37:17.676408549+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler capability
2023-08-11T13:37:17.697116883+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received command: {“capability”:“switch”,“positional_args”:{},“args”:{},“command”:“on”,“component”:“main”}
2023-08-11T13:37:17.702669466+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in switch
2023-08-11T13:37:17.703111674+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:37:17.835400383+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T13:37:17.836286924+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFE, rssi: -51, body_length: 0x0005, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x7E, ZCLCommandId: 0x0B >, < DefaultResponse || cmd: 0x01, ZclStatus: SUCCESS > > >
2023-08-11T13:37:17.851727133+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in switch
2023-08-11T13:37:17.852178591+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Executing ZclGlobalCommandHandler: cluster: OnOff, command: DefaultResponse
2023-08-11T13:37:17.853269133+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“on”},“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”,“attribute_id”:“switch”}
2023-08-11T13:37:17.855329299+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:37:18.234105049+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T13:37:18.237404091+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFE, rssi: -51, body_length: 0x000E, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x2C, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, DataType: Boolean, OnOff: true >, < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x00F5, DataType: Uint32, Uint32: 0x0700007E > > > >
2023-08-11T13:37:18.248739424+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in switch
2023-08-11T13:37:18.249193508+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: OnOff, attribute: OnOff
2023-08-11T13:37:18.250179883+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“on”},“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”,“attribute_id”:“switch”}
2023-08-11T13:37:18.251321716+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:37:20.032504800+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T13:37:20.035741466+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x15, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: AnalogInput >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -51, body_length: 0x000A, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x2D, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0055, DataType: SinglePrecisionFloat, PresentValue: (1 + 0.615625) * 2^(3) > > > >
2023-08-11T13:37:20.039793258+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:37:33.096174010+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:38:03.091130721+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:38:15.886416098+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler capability
2023-08-11T13:38:15.906218931+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received command: {“capability”:“switch”,“positional_args”:{},“args”:{},“command”:“off”,“component”:“main”}
2023-08-11T13:38:15.911692556+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in switch
2023-08-11T13:38:15.912132515+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:38:16.047610765+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T13:38:16.050681931+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFE, rssi: -51, body_length: 0x0005, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x7F, ZCLCommandId: 0x0B >, < DefaultResponse || cmd: 0x00, ZclStatus: SUCCESS > > >
2023-08-11T13:38:16.066561723+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in switch
2023-08-11T13:38:16.067015181+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Executing ZclGlobalCommandHandler: cluster: OnOff, command: DefaultResponse
2023-08-11T13:38:16.072532848+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“off”},“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”,“attribute_id”:“switch”}
2023-08-11T13:38:16.073649098+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:38:16.078898348+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T13:38:16.079600931+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -51, body_length: 0x000E, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x2E, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, DataType: Boolean, OnOff: false >, < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x00F5, DataType: Uint32, Uint32: 0x0700007F > > > >
2023-08-11T13:38:16.092720765+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in switch
2023-08-11T13:38:16.093312265+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: OnOff, attribute: OnOff
2023-08-11T13:38:16.094481390+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“off”},“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”,“attribute_id”:“switch”}
2023-08-11T13:38:16.096098306+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:38:16.106859556+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T13:38:16.107564556+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x15, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: AnalogInput >, lqi: 0xFE, rssi: -51, body_length: 0x000A, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x2F, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0055, DataType: SinglePrecisionFloat, PresentValue: 0 > > > >
2023-08-11T13:38:16.112875431+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:38:33.106200350+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:38:41.352844768+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler capability
2023-08-11T13:38:41.388757559+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received command: {“capability”:“switch”,“positional_args”:{},“args”:{},“command”:“on”,“component”:“main”}
2023-08-11T13:38:41.396322518+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in switch
2023-08-11T13:38:41.396768351+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:38:41.548888559+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T13:38:41.549465393+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -50, body_length: 0x0005, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x00, ZCLCommandId: 0x0B >, < DefaultResponse || cmd: 0x01, ZclStatus: SUCCESS > > >
2023-08-11T13:38:41.563130101+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in switch
2023-08-11T13:38:41.563585101+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Executing ZclGlobalCommandHandler: cluster: OnOff, command: DefaultResponse
2023-08-11T13:38:41.564671893+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“on”},“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”,“attribute_id”:“switch”}
2023-08-11T13:38:41.566507643+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:38:41.985433059+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T13:38:41.986326226+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFE, rssi: -50, body_length: 0x000E, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x30, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, DataType: Boolean, OnOff: true >, < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x00F5, DataType: Uint32, Uint32: 0x07000000 > > > >
2023-08-11T13:38:41.997578934+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in switch
2023-08-11T13:38:41.998018601+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: OnOff, attribute: OnOff
2023-08-11T13:38:42.000483934+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“on”},“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”,“attribute_id”:“switch”}
2023-08-11T13:38:42.004052393+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:38:43.586384893+00:00 TRACE Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T13:38:43.590048768+00:00 INFO Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x15, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: AnalogInput >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -50, body_length: 0x000A, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x31, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0055, DataType: SinglePrecisionFloat, PresentValue: (1 + 0.576125) * 2^(3) > > > >
2023-08-11T13:38:43.594856851+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:39:03.106178520+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T13:39:33.116501240+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.17 driver device thread event handled

So you will have to uninstall the driver and reinstall it.

That’s did the trick !!!
I Uninstall the driver and re-install back. I can control ON/OFF the device.
But no Power Metrics (Signal Metrics OK) … I connected a low power lamp (5W maybe too small?? )
Here are some logs:


? Select a driver. 28
connecting… connected
2023-08-11T14:30:53.130653314+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:31:02.364181815+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Received event with handler capability
2023-08-11T14:31:02.371279232+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received command: {“args”:{},“command”:“refresh”,“component”:“main”,“capability”:“refresh”,“positional_args”:{}}
2023-08-11T14:31:02.375961982+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in Zigbee_Switch_power
2023-08-11T14:31:02.376408232+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> sending Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageTx || Uint16: 0x0000, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x0000, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x1772, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x00, seqno: 0x00, ZCLCommandId: 0x00 >, < ReadAttribute || AttributeId: 0x0000 > > >
2023-08-11T14:31:02.377425857+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:31:02.514075232+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T14:31:02.514984274+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFE, rssi: -52, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x34, ZCLCommandId: 0x01 >, < ReadAttributeResponse || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, ZclStatus: SUCCESS, DataType: Boolean, OnOff: false > > > >
2023-08-11T14:31:02.525997690+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in Zigbee_Switch_power
2023-08-11T14:31:02.528153774+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: OnOff, attribute: OnOff
2023-08-11T14:31:02.529137399+00:00 PRINT Zigbee Switch Power Mc <<<<< Emit on_off >>>>>>
2023-08-11T14:31:02.529920899+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“<em table style=‘font-size:70%’;‘font-weight: bold’GMT: 2023/08/11 Time: 14:31
DNI: 0x1772 LQI: 254 RSSI: -52dbm
2023-08-11T14:31:02.591560357+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“off”},“attribute_id”:“switch”,“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”}
2023-08-11T14:31:02.597706690+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:31:23.140783443+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:31:53.141603046+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:32:21.507960016+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Received event with handler capability
2023-08-11T14:32:21.594362975+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received command: {“args”:{},“command”:“on”,“component”:“main”,“capability”:“switch”,“positional_args”:{}}
2023-08-11T14:32:21.596452142+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in Zigbee_Switch_power
2023-08-11T14:32:21.606159808+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:32:21.684841975+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T14:32:21.685702558+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFE, rssi: -52, body_length: 0x0005, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x35, ZCLCommandId: 0x0B >, < DefaultResponse || cmd: 0x01, ZclStatus: SUCCESS > > >
2023-08-11T14:32:21.701530933+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in Zigbee_Switch_power
2023-08-11T14:32:21.701986683+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc Executing ZclGlobalCommandHandler: cluster: OnOff, command: DefaultResponse
2023-08-11T14:32:21.702943142+00:00 PRINT Zigbee Switch Power Mc <<< GlobalCommand Handler >>>
2023-08-11T14:32:21.703587183+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“on”},“attribute_id”:“switch”,“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”}
2023-08-11T14:32:21.707929975+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“<em table style=‘font-size:70%’;‘font-weight: bold’GMT: 2023/08/11 Time: 14:32
DNI: 0x1772 LQI: 254 RSSI: -52dbm
2023-08-11T14:32:21.715358975+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:32:23.150696642+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:32:25.374321309+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T14:32:25.375228267+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x15, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: AnalogInput >, lqi: 0xFE, rssi: -52, body_length: 0x000A, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x42, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0055, DataType: SinglePrecisionFloat, PresentValue: (1 + 0.576125) * 2^(3) > > > >
2023-08-11T14:32:25.380232684+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:32:53.166174270+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:33:23.170650274+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:33:53.186490194+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:34:23.186157489+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:34:48.706137826+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Received event with handler capability
2023-08-11T14:34:48.710121742+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received command: {“args”:{},“command”:“refresh”,“component”:“main”,“capability”:“refresh”,“positional_args”:{}}
2023-08-11T14:34:48.714832451+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in Zigbee_Switch_power
2023-08-11T14:34:48.715278076+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> sending Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageTx || Uint16: 0x0000, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x0000, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x1772, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x00, seqno: 0x00, ZCLCommandId: 0x00 >, < ReadAttribute || AttributeId: 0x0000 > > >
2023-08-11T14:34:48.716361742+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:34:48.864864784+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T14:34:48.865726284+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -35, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x37, ZCLCommandId: 0x01 >, < ReadAttributeResponse || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, ZclStatus: SUCCESS, DataType: Boolean, OnOff: true > > > >
2023-08-11T14:34:48.883335867+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in Zigbee_Switch_power
2023-08-11T14:34:48.883795117+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: OnOff, attribute: OnOff
2023-08-11T14:34:48.884779034+00:00 PRINT Zigbee Switch Power Mc <<<<< Emit on_off >>>>>>
2023-08-11T14:34:48.885621201+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“<em table style=‘font-size:70%’;‘font-weight: bold’GMT: 2023/08/11 Time: 14:34
DNI: 0x1772 LQI: 255 RSSI: -35dbm
2023-08-11T14:34:48.890221701+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> emitting event: {“state”:{“value”:“on”},“attribute_id”:“switch”,“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”}
2023-08-11T14:34:48.896891992+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:34:53.196183285+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:35:23.191477288+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:35:53.200743864+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:36:23.202824441+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled

After a while the device sent a power metrics report (I think) , but this did not shown in device

Power Metrics

driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:39:23.241159952+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:39:53.250561433+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:40:18.135898622+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Received event with handler zigbee
2023-08-11T14:40:18.146341914+00:00 INFO Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0xFCC0 >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -48, body_length: 0x0046, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x1C, mfg_code: 0x115F, seqno: 0x44, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x00F7, DataType: OctetString, OctetString: “\x64\x10\x01\x03\x28\x20\x98\x39\x77\xBE\x49\x41\x95\x39\x1F\x5B\x55\x42\x96\x39\x00\xA0\x0C\x45\x97\x39\xF6\x28\x60\x42\x05\x21\x02\x00\x9A\x20\x00\x08\x21\x16\x01\x07\x27\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x09\x21\x00\x08\x0B\x20\x00\x9B\x10\x01” > > > >
2023-08-11T14:40:18.147207289+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc מנורת לילה שי device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:40:23.256248164+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:40:53.266253918+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled
2023-08-11T14:41:23.266241921+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Switch Power Mc driver device thread event handled

This may be because the reports of the power and energy clusters in the installation have not been configured correctly.
You should pair it directly with this driver

If you do a driver change, I don’t know if it will accept the configuration if the device is not in pairing mode

I think all is configure OK. This message is from my attached log, seems to me as Power metrics message, but nothing displayed…
what do you think ?

Zigbee Switch Power Mc <ZigbeeDevice: 987add10-d44a-4b04-b8e6-733c502515bf [0x1772] (מנורת לילה שי)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0x1772, src_endpoint: 0x15, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: AnalogInput >, lqi: 0xFE, rssi: -52, body_length: 0x000A, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x42, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0055, DataType: SinglePrecisionFloat, PresentValue: (1 + 0.576125) * 2^(3) > > > >

This is for the AnalogInput cluster not for the 0702 and 0B04 clusters which are the standard for reporting power and energy

Please, change to zigbee thin Mc to see clusters supported by your device

Hi Mariano,
the device is working well with the driver

appreciate your work!

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