Edge Driver for the Third Reality Smart Blind

There’s just one set of mesh networks; migration to edge drivers doesn’t directly change anything about the network topology.


My bad! You know what they say about assuming…


Awesome stuff. So what seems to be the issue for scenes not running ?

Hi ,
I’m having two zigbee curtain modules:

deviceLabel: Lonsonho QS-Zigbee-C01
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_vd43bbfq
    model : TS130F


deviceLabel: Lonsonho QS-Zigbee-C01
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_fccpjz5z
    model : TS130F

Both have an ability for Reverse Shutter motor Polarity and Percentage calibration

tuyaCalibration: {Cluster: 0x0102 , Atrrib_ID: 0xf001, type: DataType.enum8}, β€œ0”: β€œPerform Calibration” β€œ1”: β€œRun Mode”

tuyaMotorReversal: {Cluster: 0x0102 , Atrrib_ID , ID: 0xf002, type: DataType.enum8}, "0": "Normal"
        "1": "Reverse"

I tried to make my own driver using your instructions but something didn’t worked. Can you please create a profile like window-treatment-profile-calibration and the add the fingerprints I mentioned to your driver. I’m from HW world and it is very difficult for me to debug.
Thanks …

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Hi @dotan_shai

I have added a new calibration profile with two preferences:

  • One to run the calibration and then leave it in normal operation, I guess
  • Another to select normal or reverse motor operation
name: window-treatment-profile-calib
- id: main
  - id: windowShade
    version: 1
  - id: windowShadePreset
    version: 1
  - id: windowShadeLevel
    version: 1
  - id: firmwareUpdate
    version: 1
  - id: refresh
    version: 1
  - name: Blind
  - preferenceId: presetPosition
    explicit: true
  - name: "performCalibration"
    title: "Perform Calibration"
    description: "Perform Calibration- (default: Run Mode)"
    required: false
    preferenceType: enumeration
        "0": "Perform Calibration"
        "1": "Run Mode"
      default: "1"
  - name: "motorReversal"
    title: "Tuya Motor Reversal"
    description: "Tuya Motor Reversal. (default: Normal)"
    required: false
    preferenceType: enumeration
        "0": "Normal"
        "1": "Reverse"
      default: "0"
  • I have added the code to write the attributes when the value in preferences is changed
--- Configure calibration cluster 0x0102, attributte 0xF001 data type "Enum8"
      if id == "performCalibration" then
        print("<<< Write perform Calibration >>>")
        local value_send = tonumber(newParameterValue)
        local data_value = {value = value_send, ID = 0x30}
        local cluster_id = {value = 0x0102}
        local attr_id = 0xF001
        write.write_attribute_function(device, cluster_id, attr_id, data_value)

       --- Configure motorReversal cluster 0x0102, attributte 0xF002 data type "Enum8"
      elseif id == "motorReversal" then
        print("<<< Write motor Reversal >>>")
        local value_send = tonumber(newParameterValue)
        local data_value = {value = value_send, ID = 0x30}
        local cluster_id = {value = 0x0102}
        local attr_id = 0xF002
        write.write_attribute_function(device, cluster_id, attr_id, data_value)      

When you make the change of value in preferences you will be able to see in the CLI the value sent to write in the device and the response of the device to that attribute writing

This is the driver version

 Name         Zigbee Window Treatment Mc
 Version      2022-10-06T19:39:08.090789119        
  - id: "TS130F/_TZ3000_vd43bbfq"
    deviceLabel: Lonsonho QS-Zigbee-C01
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_vd43bbfq
    model: TS130F
    deviceProfileName: window-treatment-profile-calib
  - id: "TS130F/_TZ3000_fccpjz5z"
    deviceLabel: Lonsonho QS-Zigbee-C01
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_fccpjz5z
    model: TS130F
    deviceProfileName: window-treatment-profile-calib

Another two modules with same behavior in terms of calibration and reverse polarity with slightly change in Device label:

   - id: "Lonsonho/TZ3000/_TZ3000_4uuaja4a"
    deviceLabel: Lonsonho QS-Zigbee-C03
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_4uuaja4a
    model : TS130F


- id: "Lonsonho/TZ3000/_TZ3000_zirycpws"
    deviceLabel: Lonsonho QS-Zigbee-C03
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_zirycpws	
    model : TS130F


Hi @dotan_shai
The other two devices work fine?

Sorry Mariano,
I Didn’t have chance to test…
I don’t have the modules , I’m helping some friends…

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Added to this driver version

 Name         Zigbee Window Treatment Mc
 Version      2022-10-07T19:05:50.205299079        
  - id: "TS130F/_TZ3000_4uuaja4a"
    deviceLabel: Lonsonho QS-Zigbee-C03
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_4uuaja4a
    model: TS130F
    deviceProfileName: window-treatment-profile-calib
  - id: "TS130F/_TZ3000_zirycpws"
    deviceLabel: Lonsonho QS-Zigbee-C03
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_zirycpws
    model: TS130F
    deviceProfileName: window-treatment-profile-calib

Just checked and both function works fine !!
10X as usual… :grinning: :star_struck:

BTW you should also receive

exposes.numeric(β€˜calibration_time’, ea.STATE).withUnit(β€˜S’).withDescription(β€˜Calibration time’)],

This info is nice to have and not critical

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Sorry, I don’t quite understand what this is

Not expert as you but we should be able to receive a message after calibration is done with
Calibration Time is seconds. I will try to to send you some logs.

Also a minor mistake in deviceLabel should be Lonsonho QS-Zigbee-CP03 should be corrected for both

Device label is used only for show It after pairing.
Can be changed with app device edit

I will change tomorrow

Hi ,
Another one:

-   id: "Moes/MS-108ZR"
    deviceLabel: MS-108ZR
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_1dd0d5yi
    model : TS130F

Have an ability for Reverse Shutter motor Polarity and Percentage calibration - but not as before regarding calibration

moes_cover_calibration: {Cluster: 0x0102 , Atrrib_ID: 0xf003, type: DataType.uint16}, When CalibrationMin=0 CalibrationMax=100 , CalibrationData = ValueEnteredInSettings*10 (allow entering in setting XX.X)

tuyaMotorReversal: {Cluster: 0x0102 , Atrrib_ID , ID: 0xf002, type: DataType.enum8}, "0": "Normal",   "1": "Reverse"

I hope this is not too complicated

Here are some logs from calibration.

All works , but some improvements .

 moesCalibrationTime: {ID: 0xf003, type: DataType.uint16},
 if (msg.data.hasOwnProperty('moesCalibrationTime')) {
                const value = parseFloat(msg.data['moesCalibrationTime']) / 10.0;
                result[postfixWithEndpointName('calibration_time', msg, model, meta)] = value;


tuyaMovingState: {ID: 0xf000, type: DataType.enum8},
        if (msg.data.hasOwnProperty('tuyaMovingState')) {
            const value = msg.data['tuyaMovingState'];
            const movingLookup = {0: 'UP', 1: 'STOP', 2: 'DOWN'};

Hi @dotan_shai

I don’t quite understand what you mean by this.

What do you want to see in the app the calibration process?, which is the same thing that you can see physically in the blind when you calibrate.

These attributes only inform that the shutter goes up, down or is stopped and how long the calibration has taken since you changed from 1 to 0 in the preference calibration until you put a 1 again.

That’s what you see in the CLI looking for the messages with 0xF000 and 0xF003

You are right this only gives the information you mentioned. It will be nice to know in the settings how long the calibration took.
Regarding the window status, I just wanted to let you know that this information exist you can display it or not. I’m leaving that to your decision

Can you please help with that one…



Hi ,
Another one:

-   id: "Moes/MS-108ZR"
    deviceLabel: MS-108ZR
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_1dd0d5yi
    model : TS130F

Have an ability for Reverse Shutter motor Polarity and Percentage calibration - but not as before regarding calibration

moes_cover_calibration: {Cluster: 0x0102 , Atrrib_ID: 0xf003, type: DataType.uint16}, When CalibrationMin=0 CalibrationMax=100 , CalibrationData = ValueEnteredInSettings*10 (allow entering in setting XX.X)

tuyaMotorReversal: {Cluster: 0x0102 , Atrrib_ID , ID: 0xf002, type: DataType.enum8}, "0": "Normal",   "1": "Reverse"

Hi @dotan_shai
Try this version.

 Name         Zigbee Window Treatment Mc
 Version      2022-10-16T09:56:48.077339864        

I added a custom capability to see the calibration steps and final total time.
Can see in device history too.

According tuya documentation cluster F003 can use as quick calibration , but is not % is time too.
Please, try with the accurate calibration F001 attribute too

DP3 and DP6 Accurate calibration 1 and 2

Direction Cluster ID Command/Attribute ID Value
Client to server 0x0102: Window Covering 0xF001: Accurate calibration (Tuya-specific attribute) /
Server to client 0x0102: Window Covering 0xF001: Accurate calibration (Tuya-specific attribute) Value
  • 0: Calibration started.
  • 1: Calibration finished.|

DP10 and DP11 Quick calibration 1 and 2

Direction Cluster ID Command/Attribute ID Value
Client to server 0x0102: Window Covering 0xF003: Travel (Tuya-specific attribute) /
Server to client 0x0102: Window Covering 0xF003: Travel (Tuya-specific attribute) Valid values range from 30 to 9000, in units of 0.1 seconds.

Does not support Accurate calibration only quick calibration. Did you give ability to enter in calibration time as I suggested ?
See also here how HA users use this module: