[Edge] Driver for Aqara Switches and Remotes

So i could assign an action to Group 1 pressed, and that would activate when i press both buttons? And any actions assigned to buttons 1 or 2 won’t trigger?

Or will group 1 just trigger the actions assigned tot button 1 and 2 at the same time?

all 3 actions will be triggered.

Thank you for this driver.

One question, i have the WXKG01LM, paired and using the driver. However its showing cloud execution. Is that correct?

ignore the old IDE, it knows nothing about Edge

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Ok got you. Was also worried the automation wasn’t showing local, but that’s because i had a timer in it i think

Any chance of a driver for the Aqara Opple 4 button switch?
The WXCJKG12LM I mean

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the button configuration is added

for the pairing and setup steps please read [Edge] Driver for Aqara Switches and Remotes - #53 by Bralok

Thanks! Will this be automatically updated on my side in the driver?

likely, as a developer I re-install everything from the CLI.
user updates handled by ST servers and it happens once a day (don’t remember where I read it) .

give it a try, if it doesn’t work try to reinstall manually

It worked! I now have 4 buttons that work!

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I’ve tried it like this 10 times. Pair first, then change the setting to Button events (normal) and delete the device again. but the switch still controls all lamps after each new pairing.
does anyone have the same problem or am i missing something?

I don’t think re-liking is required.
But it’s important to “wake up” the battery powered devices a second before you save settings, like

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I wasn’t able to get the Edge driver to show up, attempting to pair a WS-USC01.
This would be my first Edge device.
I removed the previous DTH’s for the device I had been testing an rebooted my hub.

Still continued to come up “Thing” everytime.

I’m currently using: SmartThingsPublic/devicetypes/aonghus-mor/aqara-wall-switch.src at master · aonghus-mor/SmartThingsPublic · GitHub in the meantime… is there something I’m missing to get started with Edge Drivers?

Hello Wayne,

I do not own any US device, only CN and EU.
The device you are pairing is quite unusual it reports only a switch, while other LUMI devices report switch and button.
Anyway, I’ve added the fingerprint to the supported list, so it should be available now. Let me know what works.

Worked, thanks!

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The edge driver doesn’t allow for Icon Selection and shows up as just a Switch Icon, not displaying the on/off state, but showing the button status (is that expected?):

Additional Question: Regarding the device card screenshot shared above:
The capability to have more that one control on a device card, is that specifically new to the Edge Drivers? (ie I have a Kasa Power Strip, but each plug is its own device card, it would be awesome to all the plugs on one card)

As far as I know, the Switch Icon is rather a new feature, and available only for Lights.
The device you own has one switch. There should be only Main device without “Button2” “Button3” subdevices. Try to remove and add the device one more time to refresh the view.

The device you own has one switch. There should be only Main device without…

Mine looks like this:

I was asking if its possible to do the subdevices in one device card in the previous DTH format… I have a surge protect I want to try and do that on instead of having six different devices.

No it’s not possible to combine physical (zigbee) devices to one device . Sub device is made for multibutton devices (6 buttons and one zigbee chip)

Thanks for that info!