Hi @HubertHafner,
On my side, I have many ecobee climates defined as I want to maximize energy savings during the whole week.
For example, you may want to set your ecobee thermostat’s settings lower at nights & in the mornings to avoid heating/cooling your home when you’re still asleep.
Also, there may be some specific time of the day where you want to run your fan for better air circulation.
My ecobee thermostat is also connected to my humidifier/dehumidifier and my HRV, and at summer time, I like to use the free cooling feature available. I have also some smart vents that I use to heat/cool specific zones in my house during the day.
For all these reasons, the basic “away” and “present” approach is not sufficient for a lot of ecobee users.
That’s why I created a custom ecobee device which brings much more features than the stock ecobee device, as it allows you to fully take advantage of the rich ecobee APIs…
All the additional features are available now. See this thread for more details: