(Yves Racine)
March 26, 2015, 10:12am
Hello @Manofice , for your use case, as soon as the ecobee3’s remote sensor data is available, you
can use My custom Ecobee Device and the following smartapp to do as you please (and more), see this thread:
Today, I added new features to deliver an even smarter app:
Ability to set your smart thermostat (ex. ecobee, Nest) to Away or Present based on all rooms’ motion sensors
Ability to set fanMode (‘on’, ‘auto’, ‘circulate’) during a specific schedule
Added some new input parameters in schedule page to adjust main thermostat’s settings based on outdoor temp sensor (optional)
** coolModeThreshold: set the thermostat to ‘cool’ mode according to a given outdoor temp threshold
** heatModeThreshold: set the thermostat to ‘heat’ mode according to a given outdoor temp threshold
** moreHeatThreshold: increase the heat setpoint according to an outdoor temp threshold
** moreCoolThreshold: increase the cool setpoint according to an outdoor temp threshold