Echo dot with Chromecast audio

so does anyone her have both google home and alexa at home? do you use both or only one of them. Here is my thought, I have a few chromecast audio in bed rooms, but I want to add voice command to those room without having to scream for my main/only google home to hear me. Is it worth it to spend $35 for the dots since I have the Chromcast audios already set up, so I can use as both speaker and voice control? Or am I better saving up to add GHs to those rooms?

PS, I love my google home, and I did like Alexa when I had her b4 GH came out. However, I cant seem to justify spending the extra money to a GH to each room

Dot’s and CCA are worlds apart as far as functionality. The ONLY thing CCA has is the MRA function if you can get them all to sync, stay connected.
I have 1 GH in living room, just because I got it for $60 . I have CCA I pre-ordered stuck in a drawer somewhere because I could never get it to actually work. A second GH is still sitting sealed in the box. Dots, Taps or Echoes in every room. For MRA I invested in a bunch of Samsung Wam R1s & R3s .
1 R1 on each level for ST audio / voice alerts and the rest grouped together for MRA. I do wish I had voice control for MRA, but for now I set up an old phone as central control panel for Samsungs and can use phone widgets if needed.

Thanks for the feedback. I should have mentioned that I currently have 3 CCA currently in the house connected to different devices. They work really well for me. I was just thinking about buying an echo since its on sale at BB for only 35, and add both audio and voice control to a room without buying another GH, but still have it connected with the rest of my google audio in the house

If you have an extra android phone/chromebook that supports Google assistant you could just use that in place of a Google home. Plug it into an external speaker for better sound quality.

Also with a bit more work you can run Google assistant on a raspberry pi.

Although I haven’t tested if these devices can be added to a cca group for MRA

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Google Home Minis and Amazon Echo Dots are about the same price. Right now they are $49, but both seem to occasionally go on sale for around $35.

The Dots can’t stream to the Chromecast Audios, but they have a speaker jack so they don’t need to.

So, going with Dots, or going with Minis+Chromecast Audios would cost about the same (since you already have the CCAs) so it would be personal preference. Google gives you access to multiple streaming services where with the Dots you have to use Amazon music. Sticking with the CCAs also gives you the ability to sync with music playing in other parts of the house. But it can sometimes be unwieldy to use the mini’s voice control to direct music to the CCAs and I often wish mine had speaker jacks like the Echo Dots so I could just cut out the CCAs entirely in some rooms.