Eaton Cooper RF9640-N Master Dimmer and RF9642-Z Accessory Dimmer Switch Association

I’ve got a SmartThings hub v2 and I’m trying to create an association between my Eaton Z-Wave Plus devices to get a 3-way dimmer configuration working

  • RF9640-N Master Dimmer
  • RF9642-Z Accessory Dimmer Switch

Here is the manual for reference:

The association groups in play look like:

  • Group 1 (lifeline) – 5 node maximum
  • Group 2 (ON/OFF) – 5 node maximum
  • Group 3 (DIM Up/ DIM Down) – 5 node maximum

It looks like my SmartThings hub v2 won’t support Z-Wave associations for these two Z-Wave Plus devices, so I’ve started to dabble with the Z-Wave tweaker and I’ve gotten nowhere there either.

Has anyone else had any luck with this set up or something similar?

Many people use it, the Z wave Tweaker should work for you. Please ask any questions in that thread. That’s where people will be able to help you with it. :sunglasses:

Remember that in zwave you associate the trigger device (in this case, the auxiliary, which is the 9642), to the target (in this case, the Master, which is the 9640). So the device that you want to be tweaking is the 9642, not the 9640. The master will control the load. The auxiliary essentially becomes a remote that controls the master.

In direct association, the hub is going to give the 9642 permission to talk directly to the 9640 without having to go through the hub first. The 9640 won’t care where the command comes from, so you don’t need to tweak it.

Alright, I was 5min away from a solution. I used the tweaker + the old SmartThings app, and then I had to have the accessory switch scan association groups (I did it for the master as well – didn’t see the reply from JDRoberts in time).

Looks like it worked fine, but we’ll see what happens if I add other dimmers in other rooms that need to be paired separately :slight_smile:

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Shouldn’t make any difference. The hub doesn’t care what associations exist after the initial permission is given. And the associations will be stored in the auxiliary switch itself. So it doesn’t really have anything to do with other devices that are added to the network Shouldn’t make any difference. The hub doesn’t care what associations exist after the initial permission is given. And the associations will be stored in the auxiliary switch it self. So it doesn’t really have anything to do with other devices that are added to the network later.

@JDRoberts @Claude I am trying to do the same thing here. I just made the accessory switch as a Z Wave Tweaker. Then in the app I set an Association Group of “1”. I then added members of the association group as “6,7”. These are the device network ids assigned in IDE for the master dimmer and the accessory dimmer respectively. I saw that it wants hex in the list for those but shouldnt need any hex conversion for “6” and “7” right? What do I do next? Do i then go edit the device off of tweaker and back to a dimmer switch in IDE device settings? Am i missing something here? Thanks!

Ask your question in the tweaker thread and someone there should be able to help you.

[BETA] Z-Wave Tweaker

I know this question has been dead for some time, but don’t you need to assign the master to associate with each accessory switch so the accessory switch(es) know when the master is turned on and off?