That is the way I did it. It works great but it isn’t plug-and-play since you have to use some custom device types to expose the relays to two virtual switches to ST.
You often see these in bathroom switches, where one rocker is a light and one rocker is an on/off fan control. All fit into a single gang box.
Leviton makes one zwave one, the VRCS2 , which can work with smart things and provides this form factor. However, it’s sort of a pain to get set up. Also, it’s expensive: typically $140. See the following thread.
Otherwise the dual relays already mentioned will work for many use cases and may even have an easier setup process. And the relays are usually cheaper as well.
Yeah The relay is a way better option because of price.
The use case is I have an existing light in a long hallway. I wan’t to add art to the walls and track lighting to add spot lighting to each piece of art.
I can’t run an extra wire up to the ceiling so I am going to use the existing line to supply power to both fixtures, in the main light for the hallway I will put in a smart light bulb and through smartthings have it controlled by 1 switch of the two I’m installing. The other switch will control the track lighting.
Now I just have to add a smartthings relay to the track lighting as well I guess.
Vision and Monoprice are two different companies, but they may use the same physical case. Or sometimes they are even the same device, as monoprice sells “white label” versions of some Z wave devices.