Yes you can lock/unlock remotely. I would suggest also adding a contact sensor to the door to verify that it is closed when it is locked. Otherwise it could be open but “locked”. Smart things dashboard is neat because it will show you both the values of closed and locked in one icon. Showing that the door is secure. You can write “apps” which are really just rules to tell you that the door was left open or unlocked when you are in a certain mode. You can have the door auto lock if you left home without locking it. ETC. Another reason I like the Schlage is it has manual key, pin code access AND z wave access.
TCP integration is broken TCP Lighting Integration Issue - 10/27
GE Links don’t work well in groups for me. Other people seem to have no issues with them. Updated : GE Link Bulbs - FINALLY getting ON status after manually turning on!
Version 2.0 is mostly rumors - but local control is the main one - you can read about it here. SmartThings Hub Version 2.0
Either way. I love Smart Things and it is very addicting. I started about 11 months ago and have 32 devices now. There are other people here with 100+