Thanks for the info. I started using the Caseta switches to help with several boxes where I do not have neutral wires. Most of my switches are Leviton’s, which I have been very happy with. Unfortunately, Leviton doesn’t have any Z-Wave Fan Control devices either. I am trying to avoid having yet another vendor to deal with in my network, as it seems like each one brings its own set of challenges. So I was hoping that I could get the Lutron Fan Controller working with SmartThings. I have only been using SmartThings for about a year, and I am not sure I’m ready to switch over to a new controller at this point. I guess I’’ just end up using another fan controller.
They had one of the first, and it’s on the official works with SmartThings list. But it does require a neutral wire.
So does the Lutron fan controller
I have a neutral wire in the boxes where I need a fan control so this is not an issue. JD Roberts - thanks for pointing this fan controller out. Interestingly, it doesn’t appear within the Leviton sites available products for home automation, which is primarily focused on their Decora line. They show a dimmer, switch and plug-in module and that is it. It does look like these controllers are Z-wave and not Z-wave plus devices. I may order a couple and give them a try.
Link? It sounds like you may have found a part of the site devoted to a specific model line.
You are quite right that the VRF01 is a fairly old model, and is Z wave, not Z wave plus.
We should also note that the VRF01 matches the Leviton Vizia form factor, not the Leviton Decora style.
The Vizia are momentary switches where you always press the bottom of the paddle, whether you are turning it on or off.
The Decora switches are pressed at the top for on and at the bottom for off.
Leviton first introduced the decora style, and it is trademarked to them. But when they designed their radio frequency switches, they used a different style, which doesn’t have a top and bottom.
However, many consumers wanted the RF switches to match the dumb Leviton switches, so in 2018 they introduced their “Decora smart“ style, which are RF switches that look like regular Decora switches. These come in a number of different protocols, some of which work with smartthings and some of which don’t, so check the model numbers carefully as the cases look identical. But they haven’t yet introduced a fan control switch in this model.
Point taken. Also, one thing to be aware of if you ever do decide to try Hubitat…some Leviton Z-Wave devices require a firmware upgrade to properly report their status updates to the Hubitat Hub. Would hate for you to find that out after the fact…
Here is the link:
I went to the Leviton Home Page and selected Residential and then selected Automation - Smart Home and then Automation Solutions. The Vizia products are nowhere to be found on this page. Many options for Decora switches, dimmers and plug-ins.
That section is only featuring the Z wave plus devices in the Decora smart line. As you noted, not the older Vizia line.
They still make and sell the older ones, but obviously they like to see people buy new product switching to the newer line.
It can definitely get confusing though!