Different Shards Confusing Need Help

Yracine you did not tell me everything needs to be installed on the na02 Shard, but you did tell me to install the code in the nao2 shard "as indicated in the prerequisites. After rereading your instructions it does say “Determine your shard, please consult this thread:
FAQ: How to find out what “shard” (cloud slice IDE URL) your Account / Location is on?

I assumed because it didn’t work it was on the wrong shard.

No worries. I am going to delete it and reinstall it on the api.graph shard.

Please don’t take this as a jab if anything its my fault for not understanding the shard stuff. And the smartthings support sent me conflicting information one time saying I need to use the na02 shard then I need the api.graph shard

Thanks for your support and quick replies


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